Chapter 37

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"Let her go!" I heard Anthi and saw her behind Nancy.

Nancy took her hand off my neck and I coughed loud. Then she turned her head and faced Anthi who was looking at her furiously. Her mouth was trembling.

"Hello, Anthi! I'm glad to see you!"Nancy said happily with a fake cute voice.
"You will regret this soon," Anthi said and approached me.

I was covering my wound, Nancy did to me with her hand. I was in pain.

"I'm not going to ask you if you are ok because I know what I see. What did she do to you?"Anthi asked me.
"Well to answer, for her, she tried to attack me so if you had a plan of doing the same, disappear now!" Nancy said.

"I'm sorry, this is my home and you are the one who should disappear. Today is not your day, trust me. Don't make me call the police. The last thing we all need are the cops bothering us."Anthi answered

"You've changed too! The Hale family did well!"Nancy said and smiled.

"Why the hell are you here? Are you trying to show Sylvie that you are capable of changing minds? Cause I overheard that you were filling Sylvie's brain with bullshits, about Derek." Anthi said to Nancy furiously.

"Yeah, I don't want to hide from Sylvie the miserable truth. But yeah. it isn't worth it to talk to you. You two are doomed. Everything that will happen in the future, is going to be your fault, especially your's Sylvie." Nancy said and gave me a cold look.

"What do you mean?" I asked her, trembling.
"I mean that, whoever dies in our final fight, is because of you and your selfish choices. So you have some time to say goodbye to Derek, Peter, Scott, Issac, and every werewolf you like." Nancy said and approached the door.
"Same goes for you Anthi!"Nancy said and left.

When me and Anthi were finally alone, she came to me and hugged me. I was crying with sobs and holding her hands while she was caressing my head.

"It's okay. She left. She only wanted to scare you."
"She did it Anthi. And I feel so horrible. Nancy made me believe that Derek maybe isn't the person I loved, and she told me that she was going to kill him, Peter, and my friends. And I was just standing there, unable to stop her. I feel like a coward."

"Stop having those bad thoughts, Sylvie! You've survived after everything you've been through, unfortunately, you are not a werewolf. So leave this to Derek because there is nothing you can do about it."

"What am I going to tell him? I can't look at him in the same way I did before. I don't want to face him because I will break down again. It's not that easy to talk with someone about threats." I said and sat on my bed. Then I saw Anthi staring at my neck.

"It looks bad," she said.
"I know but I don't think that makeup would cover it. Don't forget that it could probably infect my wound." I said.

"Don't worry about it. Here take my scarf." She told me and took off her red scarf.

I wore it and looked myself in the mirror. Hopefully, it fits with my grey coat.

"Come on let's go," Anthi said and approached my room's door.
"Why?" I asked.

"We already lost two hours of school so, we will spend the rest of our morning outside. Just the two of us. What do you think? We will also get rid of our problems for a while." Anthi suggested to me.

Then I realized that Anthi's mental health wasn't well. She has been so serious the last few days and I haven't seen her smiling and laughing for a long time. And it is my fault. I made her life miserable!

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