Chapter 38

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I was sitting on Derek's bed, still in pain because of my epic fall before. Derek was sitting on a chair opposite of me and looking at me with a look of disappointment.

"Nothing is going to make sense by using keywords. Tell me exactly, what did you find out?"Derek asked me calmly.

"The most important thing Derek! That you killed your sister! And I don't mean Cora, I mean the other one. Her body was found cut in half, how could you be so cruel to your sister?" I asked him upset.

Then Derek lost his temper and stood up abruptly from the chair.
"That crazy hunter told you this? And you believed her? More than me?"

"She did a research about Derek! She has proof!"

"Yeah, now I believe her!"Derek said ironically.
"Just admit it," I said.
"What? Why?" I asked him surprised.
"The disadvantages of being an alpha. You constantly feel threatened," he said.

"Peter was the alpha back then?"I asked.
"He was until the night he kidnapped you and we found you in the woods. Remember?"Derek asked me.
"You can't forget that night!" I said and rolled my eyes.

Then we kept staring at each other until I remembered the other secret.

"What about Kate? The hunter. Why didn't you tell me about her?"I asked

"Kate doesn't even deserve to be referred to our conversation. She burnt my whole family alive and laughed at me and now you want to force me to remember her?"Derek said upset.

Damn, he is right. I understand how he feels. How could I be that silly and stupid?

"Are all of your suspicions gone? Do you understand now that this was one of Nancy's traps?"Derek asked me angry.

That was the moment when I figured out Nancy's evil plan. She wanted me to fight with Derek to dump him. That's why she filled my brain with those suspicious thoughts.

"I'm so sorry Derek. You are right." I said and stared at the floor. I didn't dare to look at him right in the eyes. I felt ashamed.

He approached me slowly and I heard his deep footsteps, on the wooden floor.
"Look at me, Sylvie," Derek said with composure.
I didn't move.
"Look up, Sylvie!" he repeated with more tense to his voice.

Then I looked up, slowly but hesitantly, and saw his beautiful face.

"How much confirmation do you need for me?" he asked me.
"I don't know," I replied.
"I don't want you to doubt my feelings for you. Am I clear?"Derek asked me and he put his hands behind my neck.
"Yes, you are," I said with honesty.

Then he kissed me and I felt like he took away all of my anxiety. After that, he looked at me with that hypnotizing look which made me want to scream because of my bliss.

"You are a tortured girl Sylvie. But you remain human. You have a lot of pain in your heart." he said almost whispering.

"You are right and you know the reason," I answered.

Then he caressed my cheek and I closed my eyes.

"I will ask you a question and I want you to be honest with me."
I opened my eyes and looked at him upset.
"Who is the person that you fear the most?" he asked me.

I felt that I was unprepared for that question. Not Isabel because she is my sister. She doesn't scare me that much to.........
......make me pull out a knife and kill for a second time.

Dark DesireTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon