Chapter 50

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Two weeks later...

It is the sixth day that I spend in my room without wanting to see anyone.

Including Derek.

The images of Isabel in her last moments are the only thought that plagues my mind and I wake up every day with a headache. Anthi brings me food and water, she also stays up till late, comforting me but after she leaves, I just stay lying in my bed watching the swallows from my window.

Derek comes every night to see me but I don't react any differently by his presence.

I'm not mad at him. It just seems unfair to me that he wasn't by my side during the difficult times. But I know it's not his fault. And I still love him. That won't change.

After Isabel's death, I passed out and was taken to the hospital. The reason was stress and lack of meals. My blood pressure was quite low and it took me five days in the hospital to recover. Anthi, Derek, Nancy, and Riley were there for me no matter what I needed. On the fifth day, just before we left the hospital, Derek told me the plan he had attempted with the others shortly before Isabel was killed. They were all absent from the house on purpose because they knew Isabel was watching me and sooner or later she would show up so they needed a trap. They had all come to an agreement.

After that I locked myself in my room and listened to Riley curse Derek for the moment he revealed his plan to me. And then all the days were the same.

Today I decided to get up and clean my room. My clock showed six and a half in the morning, which did not surprise me because I slept many hours with the help of the medication I had, so my sleep schedule has changed. Before gathering my clothes, I grabbed my cell phone from the nightstand and checked my calls.

Two missed calls from Riley, and three from Nancy. Riley returned to Los Angeles. She said goodbye to me from afar and told me that her house was now mine too. I smiled at her and she left.

Nancy and I haven't spoken in the last few days. There was a message from her that she sent last night. I opened it.

I have packed my things and tomorrow morning I'll be leaving California for good.

You're the only one I want to say goodbye to.

Without hesitation, I pressed the call button.

I put on my gray coat and the cool morning air relieved me. It was not quite dawn, it was still dark in the empty streets of Beacon Hills. Nancy and I were arranged to meet across the school.

I saw her approaching me from a distance. Wearing her red leather jacket and her brown hair this time down.

I tried to push past my embarrassment. "Thank you for coming."

She looked at me with her deep gray eyes. "There was no way I was going to say no. I wanted to see you."

I noticed the large black suitcase he was carrying. "That's it. You give up."

"I have no choice. Isabel took me from the hospital shortly after you gave me the letter and took me to my house. She kept me there for 3 days and destroyed almost all of my weapons, torturing me as well."

I felt my chest tighten. "What?"

"I'm not here to upset you. But I can tell you for sure that she did really well to convince me to give up my research and go home."

I looked at her with compassion. For the first time, I wanted to hug her.

"I see her almost every day in my sleep. I don't know if I'll ever get over it."

I put one hand on her shoulder and she said "I'm sorry Sylvie."

I hugged her tightly and she put her hands gently on my back.

"I'll miss you," I whispered to her and caressed her chin.

"I will miss you more," she said and kissed me a little closer to the lips.

Without hesitation, I returned the kiss with more effort.

I knew she found herself unprepared for this. I could tell her from her eyes.

"I didn't want you to learn the other side of me from Isabel," she said, her eyes only on mine.

"If you showed me this side of yours some years earlier, things would be more intense between us." I smiled.

"Hell yes they would." she smiled, making it obvious she was flirting with me.

Then my smile faded. I knew I had to let her go. "Goodbye Nancy."

"Goodbye Sylvie. If sex with Derek goes wrong, call me." she laughed and I closed my eyes to my awkwardness.

I looked at her one last time, walking away and then she was gone.

I didn't want to go home. I continued walking to Derek's old house in the woods. That's where it all started.

I sat in the place where I had seen him for the first time. I felt all the memories flooding back into my mind.

After a few minutes, I heard his voice. "You shouldn't sit there. It's private property."

I looked at him and formed a real smile. I got up and ran towards him. The sun had risen and there was this pleasant smell of nature in the air.

"What are we going to do now?" I asked him as I got lost in his green eyes.

"We will finally live," he replied and kissed me passionately. I've missed this and wasn't going to waste any more time.

Back home, I gave Anthi a huge hug and thanked her for looking after me.

"Do you know that you are the best person I have ever met?" I asked her when we were sitting at the table.

"I know but you've made it up to me with your acquaintances." she smiled showing me the bracelet, Peter bought her.

"We must admit that we are great lovers. We do anything for those we desire." I told her with a smile.

"And you can't say that our desires are normal," she said and held my hand.

"Really? And how do you call them?" I asked her.

She thought before answering. Finally, she said "Dark Desires ."

I smiled at her and grabbed her arm. "Come on then, our dark desires are waiting for us for a double date." We both run outside, laughing out loud.

And then we both started living the life that was waiting for us.

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