Chapter 29

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"Lydia and Allison couldn't make it. But, me and Stiles will inform them about today's conversation."Scott said

"Well, I guess that's okay," I said
"Can you please tell us what happened? I can't wait longer."Derek asked me

"Of course. Last night, I was in a bar, and at a point, I went outside to breathe some fresh air. Suddenly two guys appeared behind me and called me by my name. They looked exactly alike like twins...They ordered me to tell you to stop messing with them because you don't even exist to them. Then they disappeared."

"What did they mean with the word exist?" Issac asked
"Maybe they think that we are not strong enough for them. They underestimate us."Derek said

"They are something up to. We need to find out cause I have that weird feeling that whatever they do, will
affect us."Scott said

"Yeah, I think there is more than that. My dad received 6 reports of missing teens in the last five days. I think that it's because of them."Stiles said

"I agree. But we need to find out who the hell are they, how many of them are and what is their purpose." I said.

Then we heard keys on my door. Anthi opened the door and came in. She seemed a little tired and confused.

She wasn't here last night. It's almost
noon so where did she sleep?

"Oh, so you are finally here! And look at you! You are wearing jeans and a top! Where were you last night?" I asked her

"I think it's not the perfect time to talk about that," she said and went upstairs.

Then I turned my head and looked at Peter who seemed a little worried about Anthi.

"You were with her last night so what do you know?"I asked him with curiosity.

"Well after you left, Derek came here and I told him where you are. He became furious and then Anthi wanted to stay alone so I respected her and left. I don't know where she went after that."Peter said

"Wait you guys are back together?" Stiles asked and he showed me and Derek with his finger.

I didn't say anything but Derek nodded.
I was looking at Anthi's bedroom and then I took a step forward but I heard Derek's voice.

"I'm sorry but we have more important issues to deal with."

"I can't see her like that. She is my best friend and something happened to her." I said.

"What are we going to do with that alpha pack? How are we going to find them?"Issac asked

"Well according to Sylvie's message, they don't want us to find them so we are going to do the opposite," Scott said.

"Bro! If you have those kinds of ideas please let me hit my face in my car's door." Stiles said
"Oh sorry do you have any clever ideas?"Scott asked
"I think I might have one," Peter said
We all turned our eyes to Peter.

"We have some facts about missing teens. It could be them but why only teens? Have you thought about that?"Peter asked

"Maybe they want to turn them into werewolves. As much as there are more of them, they become stronger. I used to think like that before with defenseless teens. They are more vulnerable."Derek said.

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