Special Dawn (E7.5)

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The entertainment by crushing my dignity went on for almost three hours.
I can't decide which one out of those 59 questions embarrassed me least.

It was 0230 hours and they said time for next phase.
I have no clue how many more phases they have planned.
But one look at my brothers and you can tell that their moon has shifted to it's last crescent and only a few hours till it dies.

And me? I feel fresh as a morning person - surprising right? Me too.
I'm not used to feel this lively at this time.
Thanks to all the sweat I didn't break today.

It was an unlucky day for them indeed. It was Sunday which meant seniors have no reason to stop screwing them throughout the Saturday night. They can very well go back to their rooms and sleep till afternoon.

Bimbo called out like he just swore.

Nick stumbled and took a few steps ahead of the whole batch, ready for whatever comes next.

"You look like you'll pass out any moment."
Boss said disgustingly.

"Not just him. The whole batch."
Another senior added.

"One day your SC doesn't stand with you, and you guys can't stand straight?"
Bimbo said.

"I hope you guys are not planning a BT for him."
Planning? It's all set.
I'm going to be scooped up as soon as I step outside, then they'll tie me up and kick my guts out. It's written on their faces. You're still doubting they won't?

"Not that I'm aware of, sir."
Nice answer, brother.
Now everyone knows what's going to happen to me. Even if someone from my batch was not planning to do it, this answer gave away the doubt that it will be happening whether one wants to join our not. And who wouldn't join when the only cause of their suffering is being beaten up?

The seniors laughed and Nick barely smiled.

"Okay so on to the next phase.."
Boss said and you could clearly hear the sound of hearts falling down. The boys looked at me like hungry wolves.

Initially I felt bad.
Then I realised -

Can I help it?

If I try to save or ease them?
They'll get screwed more.

Am I going to get BT?
Hell yeah.

If I try to save them, will I get away with my BT?
You're stupid to think so.

Will I ever get a chance to live like a king again?

Lastly, will my brothers take all of this to their hearts?
No, they'll laugh at it few years from now.

It's then that I decided that I'll be what the seniors wanted me to be.

"This one depends on which part of training your SC absolutely hates."
And boys turned towards me.

I had a little devilish smile on my lips which he didn't miss. He understood that I'm in their team now.

He turned back to the first termers and said "And I'm pretty sure, you are going to hate it even more after today. So what is it, SC?"

I took a few painful moments to answer "RI, sir."

"Very well, then. Do I have anyone that can say he hates Room Inspection more than this guy on throne?"
Needless, there was literally no one who would volunteer for extra screwing.

"Then I take it that you guys like it."
Wait, what?!
Nick was the first one to give away that expression and looked at me shocked.

He was cursing Boss from head to toe, I could hear that despite his pressed lips.

Wills' past. Wills' words. Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora