Don't Get Late (E6.1)

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After we come back from the first morning run, or rather me waiting to reach and die, the boys would join us for the second run, that was the normal routine.

I dreaded that part, because one or more boys are often late. Why do I dread it? Well you forgot the two letters. SC.
They'll be running with 5kgs backpack as a punishment. And I'll be running with the same weight, as a complimentary package.

It's difficult to go for the second run as it is. Putting on weights, that too because these jerks couldn't report 10 seconds earlier, is really annoying.
But the frequency of such a thing got less as we moved from first year to second year, and it was, may be, once a month in the final year.

But there was one thing that I feared more. Somebody staying back in his room, because he kept sleeping. If reporting a few seconds late was crime, then I don't have a term for 'not reporting at all'.

I, being the SC, would be ordered go back after the head count and wake up the missing guy. By the time I bring him, slaughter would start. Whole batch would get screwed for not waking him up. And the guy himself, well let's not even get started with his state.
Just assume he'll be in the med care for rest of the day.

But today was different.
Today was the scariest morning of final year. The person not having reported, even after the final whistle, was none other than Nick. The instructor, as usual, ordered me to go wake him up.
Mentally cursing him, I began running, when I heard "SC, halt! Turn around!" Shit. That voice.

I turned around to see father looking at me.
Please don't ask it, please.
"Who's late today?" Damn.
"Sir, it's Nick. I'll bring him in two min-"

"Go back and join your batch. Let your brother sleep in peace today. Don't forget your backpack, though. I'll wait for him here." he said in a very low tone, with infinite wrinkles on his forehead.
Nick, you're dead.

I did as told, praying to god to wake him up rightaway. But I think god too decided to sleep that day.
And we left for run. Father stayed back to welcome one of his favourite cadets. This is happening for the first time in front of me, rather behind me.
Nick is gonna be all bruised when I'll see him again.

We came back. Everyone knew what was going on, and we all expected a black-brown Nick waiting.
But all we saw was father, in his dangerously angry mode. He was standing with his hands behind his back and his teeth clenched.
It's 0900 hours, and Nick hasn't reported yet. I was starting to feel worried about him. What if he's ill? What if he's at the infirmary?
Well, if that was really the reason for his absence, father would have come to know by now. Nothing can stay hidden from him, in this academy.

Our batch was supposed to workout in PT uniform till our prince gets up and reports himself. No change of uniform, and hence, no breakfast.
Nick, for God's sake, show up!

It was 1000 hours when I heard father scream, "S Ceeee! Come with me, right now!"
I think I had a major heart attack at that moment.

I followed him till our room. I wished silently, that Nick is not there, anywhere but in the room.
But like I said, gods were sleeping.
Father silently opened the door and there he was- sleeping like a baby, wrapped in blanket, with just his face outside, like always.

I took a step to go wake him up, but was stopped by father's hand in my way. I dared not take another step.
And we both stood there for what felt like hours, watching Nick take deep breaths.
I was no more jealous of him, I was feeling pity for him. Little does he know what awaits him.

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