The B (E3.5)

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There he was.
Ready to slaughter us.
Nick was about to drop when he informed us that we'll be switching positions.

I thought I was good at maths, till this point in my life, where I lost count of how many Pushups I did today, and how many are left.

We started off with the burn in my back from Boss's shoes and on his trunk from my hits.
"Keep a count Wills, you know you have to do the total again, since you guys have failed to find out my name."

I ran through my dictionary of names again, stuck at the letter B, so that this could get over fast.
'B A S T'
Yes I thought of the same word as you are thinking right now, but you can't even imagine the state I would be in, if he saw me smiling.
We reached 'I' and I blurted out "Bastian!"

"Total count SC?"
"Fifty one, sir!"

"Lucky creepers. Fine. Do another fifty one."
Nick counted out for me while staying in the chair position, while I saw the floor for Nth time today.
We both were shaking badly, when he finally decided to show some mercy and let us stand at ease.

No matter how much I love football, and how much I respect the German Tiger, this name will make me cringe every time I hear it.

"Any point from your side?"
"One point sir."

"Bark, then."
"Sir, Louis Sir suspects that I have a contact in the admission committee. I didn't tell him about my father or brother but he has made it his personal mission to make me tell him the truth."

"That also means you don't have the title yet?"
"I don't have the title, sir."

"Dammit. Louis keeps grudges. And he hates your father more than I do. He was responsible for our football team's defeat last year and he was made to pay for it for two weeks non-stop. Who would love that treatment?" Zach said with a sigh and my heart shifted another mile deeper.

"Anyways, keep your shield up as long as possible. Inform me if he says anything else. I might have to interfere in your session soon."
He said in a concerned tone.

"And what about you? Any point from your side?" He asked Nick who was barely breathing.
"I want to meet Dad in person, Sir." I stopped breathing altogether and looked at him horrified.

Bimbo looked at me, just to confirm whether he heard right.
"You what?"
"I want to meet Dad in person, Sir." Nick repeated every single word in the same sequence slowly while I silently prayed him to keep his mouth shut.

I turned and looked ahead, ready to go through whatever Bimbo orders now. I gave up on surviving tonight. We're finished. It's just a matter of few seconds now.

What I heard next made me question my hearing skills.
"I'll talk to him tomorrow. If he agrees, I'll let you know."
"Thank you, sir." Nick replied.
I still don't know where did he find the courage to make that wish out loud.

He snapped his fingers and pointed towards the door, ordering us to leave.
We both moved our legs as fast as possible, without wasting a single moment.

When we landed on our beds safely, I spent a few more calories in turning towards Nick and asking out the bug in my brain. "Why do you want to meet him?"
I got no reply because he had crashed out.

I smiled a little, set my alarm and let the holy lord of sleep bless me.

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