Special Day (E7.1)

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Recently I got many requests to update this book. And since all you readers are too sweet to be ignored, here's one for you.


Beep. Beep. Beep.

Striking my alarm hard I shut it.
My eyes were still half close and I started sleep walking. It's been months since this schedule started, and my body has now taken over my brain to get into the habit of waking up at this time and get ready- even if I am sleeping.

I brush my teeth, get fresh, change my clothes and open the door after ensuring there is nobody standing outside.

It's been a few weeks since our little secret came out and only a few seniors had dared to beat us to shit even after the previous ones had a personal meeting with father.

Though such incidences have stopped happening, and nobody troubles us now. But I still fear anyone turning up at our door- to bring out yesterday's frustration of some of father's doing.

Keeping my ear at the door, I wait for a few seconds to trace any sound.

I open the door, move out and shut the door again, looking at Nick's sleeping baby-face.
Today I'm not jealous. Today I'm smiling. Because within few days I'm going to get paid for all my sufferings.
I've never waited for my birthday as much as this year.

A devil smile passes my lips as I close the door and turn around.
Suddenly all my senses heighten as I feel someone approach me.
It was dark and I took a few seconds to realise who it was.

Damn this man will give me a heart attack one day. But why is he panting like a dog at this time?

I acknowledge him.

I raised my eyebrow in response, thankful to the darkness.

Care to explain?

"Oh as if you don't know. What happens on junior most SC's birthday - are you not aware of it?"
Oh that.

"I.. have only heard small tales, Boss. Fath- I mean Colonel never really told us the inside stories of KMA."
There's no point lying to him now.

He chuckled.
"He is a devil himself. That man could have prepared you better for the orientation, but chose not to. Hats off."

"Yes, Dog?"

"Why are you up so early, Boss? Should I still check on you at 6?"
Yeah that was a routine.
Being a slave I have to ensure that my owner is up and ready on time to get his ass beaten. Otherwise, he'll beat mine in the night.

"No need, Dog. I'm up. And I'll be up early for next few days. I have to keep my end of a bargain. What time do you wake up though?"

"0330 hours, Boss."
"Then check on me at 0330. If you find me inside my room, just kick me out fast."

"You need to be out by 0330 hours?"
I ask him surprised.
What bargain is this? And why the hell does he need to wake up so early?

"Yes, Dog. I have to be in the field by 0330."
"But why?" it came out as a surprise.

He gave me his 'who the fuck you think you are?' look.
And before I could apologise for asking him something I shouldn't, he answered my question.

"It's a bargain with your dear daddy."

Well that much I guessed. A deal involving one person getting up so early to keep his end, can be done only with father.

I didn't ask another 'but why'.
I simply said "As you see fit, Boss."

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