Special Midnight (E7.3)

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It's 2345 hours. Still an hour till I cut the cake. God knows what that cake will be.

My worry right now is the game they want to play tonight.
I really don't feel so good about it.

"What game, sir?" Nick asked hesitant.
I could feel the fear in his words - something I felt every moment of  everyday, except today.
Right now, I feel very light sitting on somebody's back. Not having to answer any question, not ordered to join anyone committing a mistake, not using my brain to give an appropriate answer to save someone's ass - I don't have do any of that. That is Nick's job tonight.

"Let's talk about the game rules!"
Bimbo shouted followed by the mocking grin on his face.
Whatever happens next, he's going to enjoy thoroughly.

"All of you have roughly 30 minutes. Keep one question ready in your brain to ask your SC tonight. It has to be anything - dirty, creepy, embarrassing, insulting or funny - a combination of all would be great. Whatever it is, it should not be boring. If you entertain us well tonight, you'll live."

Using some freedom, I asked a question to help my brothers. Little did I know I dug my own grave.
"They won't ask anything of that sort due to the fear of seniors, Sir."

"Nothing gets noted tonight, Wills. You can ask him anything. And he can say anything about anyone here. Use your brains and put up a show."
He announced and I realised what did I just do.
I'm sure going to hell once I'm done answering these little devils.

I like this term second- makes me feel - someone's gonna get screwed real bad, but don't worry, it's not you.

"Yes sir!"
Nick replied hurriedly.

"It's time."
"Yes sir."
I didn't know what the whole conversation was. But looking at the watch I knew it is about 'the cake'.

Two cakes were brought inside the hall. One was a small vanilla cake with small chocolate balls spread over it.
The other one was a tutti-fruity with mango jam spread over it.
There were no labels and no wishes.

"You remember the conditions, second?"
Bimbo asked.

"Yes sir." he replied.
I had no hard feelings against Nick but I really hated him at that moment. That bugger knows I hate chocolate more than anything! Still he- wait. Why is he smiling? Oh there! He hid that smile! Something is definitely fishy.

I was given two knives in each hand and at 12 midnight, I cut both cakes with my batchmates on one side and almost fifty seniors on the other side.
I didn't know whom to offer which one.

Nick came and told me that the jam one is for my boys. And the chocolate one was for the seniors.
He said not to mix them at any cost.

Okay.. That was strange.

Boss came and took a piece of their cake and crunched his nose.
"And ginger, Sir." Nick answered.

Boss laughed and nodded. Then he shouted to other seniors "Alright. They followed the instructions and made a really shitty cake for themselves. How many say we should spare them?"
I heard lot of groaning but the final verdict said free them.

So Nick let out a breath of relief and all my boys gulped down the spicy cake they made.

I was given one bite and I almost spat it. It was really bad.

Then came the turn for the good one.
"What are these?" One senior asked pointing at the little balls I was feeling disgusted looking at.
"Corn covered in chocolate, sir."

I was cutting slices when I heard one of my bats whisper - what do you do with something you don't like?
Other bat answered 'You quietly keep it in your hand and not in your mouth.'
It was so low I'm sure none of the seniors heard it.

Bimbo offered me the first slice. I picked it up, removed the little brown ball from the top without anyone noticing and ate it while others paid attention to Nick's explanation. As soon as I gulped down, I realised that everyone was looking at me as if they were waiting for something.

"How's the cake, Dog?"
Boss asked me seriously.

"It's good, sir. Really nice-" I said.
Before I could say anything else, all the slices disappeared. I turned around and saw that mini smile on Nick's face.

Within a few minutes, I heard hisses from seniors, including Bimbo.
"Nick!" he screamed and I thought my ear drums got pierced.

"How dare you!" Bimbo shouted, rubbing his tongue frantically with the back of his hand.

Nick stood straight silently, trying his best to hide the smile, while seniors ran around here and there in search of water to bring down the smoke in their mouths.

My batch was silently enjoying whatever was happening, and I stood like a pillar, waiting for someone to tell me something.

"What did I tell you, second?"
"To make two separate cakes - one bad for us and one good for SC and seniors."

"Then how dare you made a bad one for us?"
"Sir you said whatever Wills will eat shall be eaten by you."

Bimbo gave up and ran away. Boss, like the smartass he was, came to us calmly. It's clear he didn't have a piece of the 'good cake'.

Continuing the conversation, he asked Nick in a low voice.
"Didn't they exactly do that, Nick?"
"Sir they had something extra."

"And what is that?"
I covered my mouth before I could shamelessly fall off laughing and showed the mini choco ball in my hand.

"You!" Boss charged towards me and I took a step back, knowing he can't do anything tonight.
He realised it too.
Patting Nick's shoulder and chuckling, he turned around to join the senior gang.

"Corn in chocolate you said." I bent a little and whispered to Nick.
"Oh it was pink peppercorn. And did I forget to mention Ghost pepper seeds?" he replied and I heard multiple snorts.

I turned around and looked at him with the look 'seriously?' and he was laughing with tears in his eyes.

I didn't know what to do so I just stood there laughing.
But yeah - Nick made me realise how good it feels to see your seniors' asses on fire.
I promised myself to thank him later for this hilarious experience.


Someone's birthday party has just started. And it's already lit! 😅

I know there are a hundred questions already bombing in your cadet-brains. Let me know them too!

topper93 was very interested to know what happens next. I know all of you were!

PalakThakur297 helped me with the cake idea.
PalakThakur297 is a good human.
Be like PalakThakur297 ! 😉


I'm sorry if this chapter seems stretched. I was having too much fun writing it, so I went with the flow without much editing.

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