Secrets Out(E5.2)

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Both of them were kicking on our sides and abs continuously, while we managed to stay still, accompanied by all the swearing and good language.

If I thought cramped abs pain worst, I was so wrong. Cramped abs with kicks from super angry seniors pain the worst, that too, when you don't know when will the kicks stop.

I heard a knock on the door, and I exhaled in relief. That has to be boss.
But whoever entered, left the door open and kicked me hard on my chest.
Hitting on bones f*cking pains, someone tell him!

"You bugs! You thought you'll get a direct entry in this academy just because your father is at a high post? He thought he'll just get you through without anyone of us knowing that? And you thought you'll stay under his cover forever? All of us worked our ass off to get here, and you think you have a reserved seat? I knew Col James is a cheater!"

That's it.
I thought I'll not have enough strength to even breathe, but I guess I was wrong.

His foot was caught by my right hand before he breaks my ribs again, while my whole weight was balanced on left plank.
"My father is not a cheater." I stated the fact.

He was stumbling and shocked. He pulled his foot away with a jerk and I fell on my face.
He'll get angrier, obviously!
He placed a tight kick on my back while I tried to get back into plank, causing me to fall on my face, again.

I felt another foot being placed on my back.
I was pushed towards the ground. With a little more force I'll just become a part of it.

"You have got a big mouth! Your dad didn't teach you how to behave with seniors before getting you to your castle?"
"We worked hard to reach here. It's not anyone's property, sir." Nick joined me.

Guess I'm not the only one angry and high on adrenaline. The seniors have pissed us both.

"You two have some guts. Get your ass up. I'll teach you how to keep your mouth shut, something your daddy didn't teach."
We stood up and I expected shit load of pain in next few moments, and I closed my eyes in preparation.

I flinched when I heard some rustling.
I opened my eyes and tried to make out what was happening in this faint light.

Boss was standing in front of me, his back facing me. Yes I can recognise him by his shadow now.
One of the 'teachers' was on ground, one balancing himself using the door, and the third one was not visible. I'm assuming he has been kicked out.

"I give you guys five seconds before I decide to tell Col James right now. I want you to have a good sleep before you meet him tomorrow."
He started the countdown and the room was clear by the time he reached two.

He turned back to look at us.
"They left a dish served for me!" I could see his smirk, one I was sacred of.
He brought a fist to my face and I closed my eyes in reflex, but nothing happened.
I opened it to find his fist barely touching my nose.

He took his hand back and looked at it.
"But I've been ordered to keep a low calorie count. Shame I can't even have a piece... "
He said in a mockingly sad tone.

I admire this guy!
He can have his way with both of us, right now. He knows he'll not get caught. Three seniors will be meeting father tomorrow, anyways. But he decided not to punch me in my face.

"Why did you open the door?" He asked me.
"I thought it was you, Boss."

"You think I'm a ghost roaming around in the campus all night and knocking on doors? Did I ever wake you up after 2?"
"No boss."

"I expected better from you dog."
Shit. I never realised this!
I usually pick up points like this. Maybe because it's him, i missed it. I've given up all my theories in his case.
He's the most moody guy I've ever met in my life.

One moment he's praising me for tiniest and easiest of his chores getting done in time, the next I'm hanging upside down for not smiling the way I should.

Thank god I didn't get him as my real elder brother. I'm sure I would have asked father to drop me at orphanage.
I have to think twice before breathing, when I'm with him!

So yea, I will never think of 'not expecting' him after 2 in the night.

"Apologies Boss. I'll keep that in mind."

"You better. Not that you have any other option. From now onwards, you'll open the door only when you hear three knocks in a go, with a gap before the next three knocks. Got it?"

"Yes boss." We both replied.
He turned towards Nick with an angry face.

"Spot jog."
Nick started. I was smiling, imagining the upcoming conversation.
When Nick started to get breathless, and Boss was sure that he'll have his full attention, he started.

"Did I ever call you my dog?"
"No sir!"

"Did I tell you to call me by anything other than SIR?"
"No sir!"

"Is your name Wills?"
"No sir."

"Then why the f*ck did YOU call me BOSS?"
"Reflex sir, won't be repeated, sir!"

"You better control your reflexes before I think that one whole night of spot jogging is the only thing that will work for you. "
"Yes sir!"
He'll curse his overactive reflexes now.

"Halt. Remember, three knocks with a gap of few seconds. You'll know it's me or Sir Jack. Crystal?"

"Yes sir."
"Yes boss."

He looked at Nick once more, before leaving.
I let out a chuckle as soon as he left, and Nick punched me on my shoulder with the little energy left, making me laugh louder.

He went and fell on the bed. "close the damn door before any other class teacher enters."
"You could have done it too!" I asked him in a shocking tone.

"You opened it for your boss, dog. He ordered you to close it. Now f*cking close it!"

I woofed at him and closed the door after ensuring no one was standing outside.

I looked at the clock and cringed in pain on the inside. It's 0350.
If I sleep now, no super power can wake me up in ten minutes, except may be Father's 'get up!'. But I'll be in deep shit if that's how I wake up.

I just wanted to close my eyes and have some peace. I had slept for hardly an hour this whole night. And I'm not sure if I'll be getting another nap or sleep in next twenty hours.
Twenty. It's a long time.

He surely knows how to make me produce adrenaline every so often. When I'd think of giving up, he'll introduce me to a new form of torture.

Sometimes I wonder, how can he be so cold hearted in treating me that way. I know it's necessary, but still, how could he turn a blind eye to my pain and suffering.
It must take lot of strength to do that. He said it will hurt him equally, but he never shows it.

While I was deep in my philosophy I noticed it's time for me to get up and get ready for some ass kicking.

I was about to open the door, when I heard a knock on the door. It wasn't 'three knocks and a gap', it was random.
Whoever he is, he can not be trusted, and I can't afford to get late by a single second, because of him.

I decided to do something I had only planned to do, for such situations.
Climb down the pipes outside my window. The metal pipes will freeze my fingers, and I might fall because of my fingers losing their sensation and thereby the grip, but I can take that chance.

I went for the second option and climbed down. As expected, my grip loosened just before I was about to reach the ground. I fell off, but it didn't hurt much.
The knocking had fainted out.
Whoever he was, he'll give me a good beating tonight.

I reached ground just in time, to find him standing there in the same pose as every morning.
I've been trying hard to reach before him. But it has never happened.

And I took off, head held high up, silently answering every confused soul in KMA, that yes, he is my father.


No cliff hanger this time, I have got enough murder threats, thank you.

Next update after some gap.. Sorry in advance..

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