Chapter 28 ~ Safe

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Chapter 28: Safe

Wolves piled back out the room in search of Lady Lyall and Owen. Aileen was still clinging to her father as he spoke quietly into her ear. She looked close to breaking down. In truth, so was I, but adrenaline forced me to go on. There were people in danger.

Wiping blood on my britches, I crouched to pick up my sword, feeling more comfortable with its weight in my hand. Torian picked his up too, pausing as I did to stare at Malcolm's body. Control on my emotions slipped as the truth of what I'd done sank in. I couldn't tear my eyes away from all the blood. So much red covered everything; the walls, the floor, my hands and face, even Aileen.

My stomach rolled.

"I will go and find your mother and cousin," Lord Lyall said to his son. "Perhaps you, Aileen and Màili should stay here. They both been through a lot, I'd rather they stayed out of the way."

I shook my head and turned to face him, a little insulted even though another part of me understood. "I want to help."

Lord Lyall nodded in understanding and I wondered why he didn't seem more worried. Wolves had attacked his home, his wife, his family, and yet there was no waver in his marks of calm.

"The warriors Malcolm sent have either been killed or captured. Malcolm himself is dead which leaves his pack with no leader. I can feel my mate through our bond, I know she's alive and unharmed. I believe whoever was holding her most likely fled when he heard us come in. There is nothing for us to worry about for now. Let your mate look after you, what you've experienced is traumatic, it's okay if you need to stop. It would also please me if you stayed to protect my daughter just in case so I can go without worry. She has a wound on her neck and you have knowledge of healing. Help her, that's my order for you. Once things have settled, I'm sure our healer would appreciate help with our wounded." There was no room for argument in Lord Lyall's words but I felt no need to. He'd given me a duty, something to do, and I would follow his commands.

I swallowed. I wanted to prove to them all I was strong and capable, not that I was a weak woman who would break down now. He was trusting me to take care of his daughter though and that meant so much to me. Torian took my sword from me and I didn't fight. My limbs began to tremble and I nodded jerkily. Aileen looked relieved we wouldn't be leaving her here alone.

In all honesty, I was relieved also. I didn't relish in the idea of more bloodshed, not really.

"You saved my daughter's life, Màili. I can never repay you for that," he finished. My Alpha came over to press his cheek to mine and I flourished under the pride I felt.

With that, he turned to find his mate. All energy drained away but I couldn't stand to be in this room any longer. The smell of blood was beginning to make me feel sick. I wanted the sticky red off my hands, I wanted to curl up and sleep, to forget this ever happened. How close had I come to dying? And I'd been oh so willing to do it all again before emotions had caught up with me.

Torian pulled me back against his chest, sighing his relief into my hair. I pressed impossibly closer, hands wandering over him to make sure he was okay. Like me, he was covered in blood but none of it seemed to be his.

"You're safe now, my mate," he murmured soothingly.

"Why don't we go to my rooms," Aileen suggested quietly. "Away from. . .this mess."

Torian nodded. "Let me get dressed."

"Can you get my chest of herbs too? I can take care of Aileen's wounds, and yours," I requested, keeping a tight grip of his hand because I wasn't ready to let go yet.

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