Chapter 2 ~ Torian Lyall

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Just a wee authors note. The father/Mother are always addressed by their last name (eg. Lord/Lady Lyall, Lord MacDhòmhnaill) the children their first names (eg. Lady Máili, Lord Torian)

Again, there will be mistakes, I'll try and catch then all later.

Beware of the wolves...

Chapter Two: Torian Lyall

I watched my luggage being thrown onto the carriage, my dresses and possessions that I couldn't live without. It was hard to believe that this was the last time I would call the manor home, that unless I ever visited my father after I was married, last night was the last time I would sleep in my chambers. My father did his best to ignore my presence, giving his last orders to his servants before we made the trek to Stirling.

Looking around, I commited everything to memory; my mother's herb garden, the trees, the manor that had been home all my life, the stables and even the gate that lead to the road. I tugged at the leather riding gloves I wore and then my hair net, unable to stay still. Staying still led to a panic that was overwhelming and I refused to cry as I said goodbye to my home. I feigned an indifference in the hopes to garner some reaction from my father, but he had barely acknowledged me, even as he asked if I was ready to go. I'd given him a nod but he was already walking away.

My heart clenched, my eyes squeezing shut. I couldn't bare his hatred of me, and I wished I looked more like him instead of my mother, if only to have kept his love and support.

John, the stable boy, brought my horse forward. My black stallion stomped heavy hooves as he greeted me, shoving his head into my shoulder. I didn't have it in me to give him my usual delighted greeting and shoved his head away. Breò-chlach had been given to me for my birthday and I'd fallen in love with him on sight, but even he couldn't cheer me up today. John held his hands in a cradle for me, helping me onto the saddle. I hated riding side saddle but my father had insisted I made a "ladylike first impression."

I gathered the reins, watching the first of the convoy make their way down the road. I stayed next the carriage of luggage, wanting to have privacy with my thoughts. Harry kept pace next to me on my father's orders, my gaurd should anything happen on the road. Not that I needed protecting, I had my own sword strapped to my saddle, hidden by a blanket. I'd been practicing with Harry himself since I was a small girl, my mother thought it important that I knew how to look after myself.

Breò-chlach tugged at the reins, snorting his want to go faster. Part of me wanted to let him, to run until we were free, somewhere I could start new, be my own person, be in control of my own life.

"Are you scared, my lady?" Harry asked, riding closer to me.

I lifted my chin, "Of course not. This is my sacred duty, to marry and have children. I am not afraid of my future."

He smirked and shook his head,"You know little, Lady Máili. Court is definitely something you should be wary of, though I suppose you will not be there long enough to worry. I imagine Lord Lyall will take you back to his home shortly after you are married to his son."

I faltered, my head whipping up to look at him.

"Do you think so?" I asked, my stomach curling at the thought of going even further from what I knew.

At least at court I had the presence of my father and the few friends I had. I could feel everything crumbling through grasping fingers and then being ripped away from sight. He nodded, watching me.

"Lord Lyall and his family aren't known for spending more time than they have to at court. They prefer their country home up in the Highlands, very private family, they stick to their clan." He replied.

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