Chapter 24 ~ Politics

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Chapter 24: Politics

A group of women stood in the courtyard, excitement in their eyes as they listened to whatever Lady Lyall was telling them. The men Alpha Malcolm had brought stood outside too and I noted a few of the women cast their eyes their way, straightening up and giving them secret smiles. The men eyed the women with interest too but kept their distance.

From the window in my chambers, I had a good view of all going on below. Torian may have exiled me here to shield me away from what was going but I wouldn't be hidden. I wanted to know exactly what was going on.

Owen shifted from where he stood guard by the door and the floor creaked beneath his weight. I could feel him watching me and I didn't like that it made my wolf feel very much like prey.

"You can take a seat." I motioned to the chairs around the small table, hoping he'd accept it.

An unknown emotion took over his features but he bowed his head and made his way over. He took the chair facing me and kicked his booted feet on the chair opposite. My nose scrunched in distaste and he smirked at me.

"So human," he mumbled, leaning back.

A small lift of my lip showed my dislike at that statement and his smirk turned into a triumphant grin. It wouldn't do to argue with him when I wasnt sure how long I'd be stuck with him. I turned away from him, looking back out the window. One women who stood close to our Alpha Female looked no older than fifteen. Practically a child but of marrying age and yet I couldn't believe she would leave her home to search for a man without an escort of her father or brother.

"Who will keep an eye on them when they go to make sure none are forced like Lord Lyall fears," I asked, frowning.

I saw Owen shrug a shoulder in the refection of the window. "Alpha Alsander might send Artair with them, and perhaps Jasper; he's a good warrior. Artair is the diplomat, he hopes to hold the rank of Peacekeeper one day. This will be good practice for him."

My frown deepened. Both men I cared for, I didn't want them stepping into enemy territory. I wasn't sure exactly what it meant to be Peacekeeper but it did seem to suit the happy, always smiling man who didn't like to fight. Would Artair and Jasper alone be enough to make sure Alpha Malcolm kept his word? I wasn't so sure.

"I don't like it anymore than you," Owen added. He dropped his feet from the chair to reach over the table and pour himself a drink.

I eyed him curiously. Before Torian had ordered me to our rooms, Owen had postured toward the new wolves as they'd made their way outside to wait on the women Lord Lyall had sent for. His dislike was clear but I wondered if he'd be so unhappy if the women were going to a pack that was well respected and trusted. Even humans families sold off daughters to the highest bidder for want of land and title but it was a practice I disliked. My mother had promised the same would never happen to me but here I stood. At least these women had a choice.

Torian had returned to the manor returned with more women than I'd expected and he stood between his pack and the strangers. Maybe that was why the men hadn't done anymore than look when I could tell both sides wanted to acquaint themselves with each other.

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