Chapter 8 ~ Tigh Na Faol

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The first two books in the Wulvers Series are now available on Amazon. You'll find the links if you look on my message board. The third book is due out this year!

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Beware of the wolves...

Chapter 8: Tigh Na Faol

A sharp pain had begun to shoot up my back and my legs ached from being in the same sitting position so long. It had rained badly and Lord Lyall had decided to forgo camping and carry on through the night. I'd only gotten a few small naps, the jolting of Breò-chlach waking me up just as I was about to fall asleep properly.

I wanted nothing more than to curl up in a comfy bed and sleep until the next day where I would wake up to a nice warm bath that would soothe my aching body. None of the others seemed to be struggling with the pace as I was, their spirits were still light and the continued to laugh and converse.

"Not too long now, my Lady." Jasper repeated for the third time.

I didn't bother telling him that he had said that a couple hours ago, and a few hours before that as well. Giving him a nod, I rolled my shoulders, my jaw clenching at the pain it caused.

"I may never be able to move again." I grumbled.

Jasper chuckled, patting his horse's neck, "I have no doubt that you will be spoiled and fretted over by Lady Lyall when she sees the state you are in."

My eyebrows shot up and I looked down at myself. There was mud all over the hem of my dress but that was to be expected. I hadn't seen my reflection in a few days but I couldn't possibly look that bad could I?

"I didn't mean to worry you, Lady Máili. Forgive me. You look perfectly well, just a little tired." Jasper assured me with a smile.

Smiling back, a little unsure whether or not I truly believed his assessment, I pushed worries about my appearance to the back of my mind.

A forest loomed before us like a wall of green against the blue backdrop of the sky. The road seemed to twist just at its edge to run alongside it, the other side looked like farmland and I could just make out a few small cottages and the movement of what I guessed were people. This was most definitely the western Highlands.

"We're on Lyall land now, my lady, home to the best hunting and the most stunning scenery if I do say so myself." Jasper said proudly.

It was beautiful. The grey mountains in the distance stood tall and majestic, their rocky slopes jagged and dangerous. I was glad that I was no longer near a city or any village, I liked how secluded it was here. There was so much I would be able to explore, with Breò-chlach and by myself. Perhaps I could even find some herbs and flowers to grow, if I was allowed to.

Voices cheered at the return of their Lord as we approached the small bundle of cottages. A man and woman stood smiling up at Lord Lyall who greeted them as friends.

"We are glad you are back, Alpha." The man with his arm wrapped securely around a small woman said.

Lord Lyall gave him his usual grin, "I'm glad to be back. We will have a meeting soon and I can catch up with my pack."

Tigh Na Faol: House of Wolf (A Wulvers Prequel)Where stories live. Discover now