Chapter 4 ~ Naivety

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Beware of the wolves...

Chapter 4: Naivety

"Do you know where Lord Lyall and his son are going so close to the wedding? It is odd they are leaving only to come back so soon is it not?" I asked Margaret as she helped me sort through the final details for my day.

"It is odd, I agree. I'm not sure where they are going but it isn't a new occurrence, they often go away a few days every month when they are at court. Perhaps it's simply to sort some business." She suggested, giving a light shrug, "whatever it is, it's nothing for a woman to worry about, as long as they are both back in time for your wedding."

I nodded, pondering on that. Maybe I was looking for clues in nothing, I often overthought the small details that often turned out to be no more than what they were.

Claude scuttled in, gaining our attention with a small cough, her hands fidgeting in front of her. My eyebrow jumped up, she really was such a scared little thing.

"Lady Beaton is here for you, Lady Máili." she said, curtseying and moving to allow the woman to walk in.

Mary Beaton walked with an air of grace, her movements like flowing water. She was again dressed in the finest of gowns; a deep red that shimmered in the light. Fine jewels rested on her neck, rings of silver and gold on her fingers. I could never hope to wear such finery, but I was far from jealous. Unlike my friend who's eyes wandered over the other woman with green envy.

We stood, curtseying to our better.

"I see you have been hard at work, is there anything I can do to be of service?" Mary asked, her eyes wandering over us both in disdain.

There was a harshness to this woman, one that made me skittish.

"I am not sure what else needs done." I replied honestly, "I have everything prepared for the day."

Suddenly the cold edge disappeared with a bright smile and Mary took the spare seat.

"Have you got everything prepared for the evening? What about some jewels for the day? A necklace, perhaps some pearls for your hair? You want to look your best." She chirped.

I relaxed seeing her excitement. I had greatly misjudged Mary, and I felt bad. Everything at court seemed to change with the wave of a hand, I suppose you had to be wary about who you were your true self around. Too many people were out to bring others down. I was glad I wouldn't be here very long, I didn't want to be drawn into political games and lies.

"The only jewellery I have is in my box." I said, looking to Claude, "Could you fetch it for me? It should be on the dressing table."

Claude nodded and scampered off to the bedroom. Mary watched her in amusement, relaxing in her chair.

"Her majesty insisted we take Claude back with us. She is very adept with intricate hairstyles from France, but I find her a rather nervous creature." She stated, a smile twitching at her lips.

"She's quick with her work." I said on poor Claude's behalf.

"Oh I do not argue with that. Now, you will also want your best undergarments for the night. I assume you have something suitable? Silk stockings are very in fashion now." Mary continued, picking up the decanter to pour herself a glass of wine.

I blushed furiously, "I am afraid such luxuries are not ones I can afford. I have things that will do but I do not see why it would matter when nobody will see what I wear under my dress."

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