Chapter 18 ~ Lawbreaker

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Chapter 18: Lawbreaker

I was surprised to see Breò-chlach tacked up and snorting impatiently as we stepped outside. A few other horses were also waiting and I recognised Jasper among the men. Swords rested at their hips and they all looked a little tense. It set me on edge as well.

"It won't take us long to ride to the stones," Lady Lyall told me as she squeezed my shoulder. "All important events happen there. Matings, name giving ceremonies and-"

"Executions," I finished for her.

She gave me a tight smile and nodded. This wasn't the introduction into the pack's way of life I'd been expecting, nor was it what I imagined Torian wanted me to see. Steeling myself, I headed towards my black stallion, stroking along his neck to settle him. He nudged my shoulder and I laughed. I didn't have any treats to give him today. I'd make sure to find something to give him when we returned.

In the next few days, I'd take him on the gallop he and I both deserved. Perhaps Torian would agree to show me the land like he'd promised. It was time I knew exactly where the borders of his father's land were. Maybe one day, I'd be running through the forests and glens in fur instead of on horseback. A strange thrill washed over me at that thought, the image of a light brown and grey wolf chasing me springing up too. I frowned and shook my head.

"Ready for a ride, boy?" I murmured against my horses neck, my fingers running through his tangled mane. A treat, gallop, and a good brush, I amended.

"M'lady," Jasper greeted from slightly behind me, bowing his auburn head.

I gave him an uncertain smile. Knowing what he was now seemed to have given him a feral edge I hadn't noticed on our first meeting. He looked almost hurt as I stared at him. Of course he could probably smell the nerves on me. Even I found that sometimes I caught the scent of emotions on someone's skin. 

"Are you frightened of me, m'lady?" he asked gently, backing away a little.

I shook my head but he didn't seem to believe me and I myself was unsure whether he scared me or not. It wasn't fear I felt exactly, more like wariness. I reminded myself that this was the man who had saved me from a grisly fate at the Inn. The Lyall's had proven to me that their kind were not monsters but it was a hard instinct to shake.

"Forgive me. I'm still finding my feet here," I apologised, hoping he wouldn't feel slighted. He was a good man, I could sense that.

"There is nothing to forgive, m'lady. You have every right to be nervous around us." With a comforting smile, he crouched to help me up and the act made me sure of my feelings. No. I wasn't frightened of him.

Gripping the reins in one hand and tugging my skirts up with the other, I placed my boot on his clasped hands. He lifted me up easily and I swung my leg over the saddle. It made me wonder exactly how much stronger than humans these Wulvers were.

"Thank you, Jasper," I said, giving him a proper smile as I fixed my dress. If I'd known we'd be riding today, I'd have worn different clothes but there was no time to change now. 

Jasper's grin was bright and he bowed again before striding off for his own mount. Gently nudging Breò-chlach with my heels, he ambled slowly towards where Lady Lyall and her daughter sat astride their horses. Aileen didn't look as comfortable riding as her mother did, her hands awkwardly holding the reins, and I could see that her brown mare could sense that.

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