Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Trigger Warning: There is a scene with attempted sexual assault near the end of this chapter. Please skip ahead if anyone is triggered by this.

Dominic's POV

I anxiously pace the room, waiting for Sephie to come back from the cafeteria. She's been gone way too long, almost ten minuted. The cafeteria isn't far from here and it doesn't take that long to get food.

"I'm gonna go look for, Sephie," I tell Silas, who's sitting next to mia, holding his baby girl in his arms.

"She hasn't been gone that long. Maybe she had to use the bathroom," Mia says, rolling her eyes at me. I ignore her, heading out of the door. I have a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach as I make my way to the cafeteria. When I turn into the hallway where the cafeteria is, I see a nurse frantically talking into her phone.

"...He tackled her and threatened us with a gun. I saw him hit her with the gun in the parking lot. Please send a cop here immediately!" She frantically talks into the phone. My heart grows cold with fear and I rush into the cafeteria, hoping the nurse is talking about someone else. When I don't see her in there I go back into the hallway to talk to the nurse.

"The girl you're talking about- I think she's my girlfriend. Was she about 5'2, curly hair, wearing leggings and a grey hoodie?"

"Yes! That's her! Some guy just drove off with her seconds ago," The nurse tells me.

"Fuck!" I growl out through clenched teeth. A million thoughts race through my head about Sephie. Is she hurt? Am I going to get to her in time?

"Which way did they go?" I ask the nurse.

"They went down that way," She says, pointing to the right. "You should just let the police handle this." I ignore her advice, pulling out my phone and calling Silas as I head into the parking lot.

"They fucking took Sephie," I snarl as soon as he answers.

"Fuck! I'm coming down right now," He tells me and I hear Mia in the background.

"No, your girl just had a baby. You need to stay there," I tell him. By this time I'm opening my car door and getting in.

"I'm going with you," Silas says.

"Mia needs you. She's probably freaking out right now," I tell him, staring the engine.

"You're right," He admits. "I'll call Ace and he'll meet you wherever you're at."

"I have to find Sephie now. Tell Ace to meet me at the MC's meet up," I hang up before he can say anything else, pulling out of the parking lot. I follow the nurse's direction, the whole time hoping I'll get there fast enough to save Sephie.

I speed past traffic, a couple of cars blowing their horns at me. I ignore them, intent on finding Sephie and bringing her home to me safely. The MC's meet up is on the other side of town but I get there in fifteen minutes. Like the gym, It's an abandoned warehouse but this one isn't well maintained. Weeds are growing around it and the building is almost falling apart.

I'm out of the car as soon as it stops, stomping over to the door and ripping it open. A couple of dozen mc members are here, lingering around the room. All eyes are on me.

"Where the fuck is Sephie?" I growl at them.

"Can't tell you that. You pay up the fifty grand and we'll tell you," One of the mc members tell me.

"I'll pay up when I have proof that Sephie is unharmed," I tell them. Fifty grand is nothing, not after the money I got from my last fight. I don't care if they want a million dollars, I'll pay anything to get Sephie home. After I get her though, there will be hell to pay. No one harms what's mine and gets to live to tell the story.

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