Chapter Twenty-Six

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Dominic's POV

I get out of bed and Sephie sleeping form rolls over to fill the space I was just in. The pain meds put her to sleep fast, which is good because I've been barely controlling myself while she was awake. Fury has been building under my skin since I first got the news that this someone shot at and hit my Sephie. The fact that this MC has the balls to do this is beyond me. They're are getting even more determined to make Sephie pay for her mother's debt and It's time they are dealt with.

When I get into the kitchen Silas is already there, leaning against the counter, a look dark as mine on his face.

"They've started a full-blown war now," Silas says, voicing my thoughts.

"They must have found out that Sephie's mom burned through all their money."

"They're getting desperate. They can't find her so they're turning all their attention on Sephie," Silas says to me.

"So what are we going to do about it. I'm ready to go down there right now," I tell him.

"Me too but we have to be patient. There are two hundred members and we don't have that manpower. We're going to have to hit them where it hurts."

"Moses," I say, already knowing I'm right. Moses is the leader of the mc and the one behind all of this. He was the one Sephie's mom stole from.

"Once he's out of the picture we make it known that anyone who fucks with Sephie fucks with us," Silas says. By us he didn't just mean him and I. We had a lot of people who would ride for us. One of Moses's rivaling MC leaders owes Silas a favor for doing a fight for him back in the day and his club is much bigger than Moses's.

"I call dibs on Moses," I tell him. I want him to suffer for everything he put Sephie through. Silas doesn't protest, knowing that my girl just got shot and I have a more personal issue with him.

When I return to our room I slide back into the bed with Sephie. Like always, she curls into my side, head resting on my chest. My arm snakes around her waist and I savor the moment. After worrying about her so much today it feels good to know she's safe right here with me.

I know this is a really short chapter but more is coming up soon!

I know this is a really short chapter but more is coming up soon!

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