Chapter Twenty-One

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It's the day of Dominic's fight and he still hasn't called me. By now I'm a total wreck, wondering what I did wrong. I stopped leaving messages days ago, not wanting to seem like an overbearing girlfriend. I know he's busy preparing for his fight but he can't set aside one minute to call? He promised he'd call every day and I can't help but feel betrayed that he broke that promise.

"Sephie! Stop moping! You're reading way to much into this," Mia says. We're in the waiting room of the hospital, waiting to be called for her first ultrasound. Silas is busy working again, which was pretty disappointing for Mia.

"What am I supposed to think. Everything was so good and he just stops talking to me out of nowhere? He's gotten bored of me."

"I doubt anyone can get bored of you but if that's the case he's an idiot. I really doubt that's what's happening. He was so enraptured by you. A man doesn't feel that way about a woman and then ghosts her unless he's stupid. Just wait to hear his side of the story before you jump to conclusions, okay," Mia says giving me the big sister look.

"You're right. I am overthinking it a bit," I admit, calming down. This is going to be the biggest fight of his career and I know he's probably nervous right now.

"He'll be back soon. Just wait it out," Mia reassures me.

The receptionist calls Mia's name and we follow a nurse with a clipboard into the ultrasound room.

"If you'll just lay down," The nurse says motioning towards the hospital bed. "I'll give you girls a moment of privacy."

"I'm so nervous," Mia says when the nurse leaves.

"It's going to be all right. You'll have a healthy baby," I reassure her.

"I know... I just wish Silas was here."

"I'm sure he does too, Mia. Maybe you should talk to him about hiring more people to help with the business. He needs to be here more often for you and the baby," I tell her. I know Silas loves her but he has too many responsibilities with his business.

"You're right. There just are not that many people he trusts enough to help him with it," Mia sighs. We're both lost in thought until the doctor comes in a few minutes later.

"Sorry for the wait." She says. She's a middle-aged woman with dark skin kind brown eyes. We greet her and she begins the process of the ultrasound, rubbing the clear gel on Mia's not yet round stomach. She runs the device over it and I look intently at the on-screen monitor, trying to get my first look at my niece or nephew.

"Do you see that little blip on the screen?" The doctor says, motioning to what looks like a little peanut on the monitor.

"Oh my god! That's my baby," Mia says, tearing up. I grab and squeeze her hand, throat too thick with emotion to comfort her.

"There's the heartbeat," The nurse points to the small movement on the screen.

"Oh wow, it's so fast," I say fascinated.

"That's normal, babies hearts beat faster than our own. You look to be about one month along, Mia," The nurse says.

"You need to come back here in a month for another check-up. In the meantime, take your prenatal vitamins and avoid alcohol," She says sternly.

"I'll stay on top of it," Mia agreed.

Afterward, Mia and I take the printed picture of the ultrasound and leave the clinic to prepare for the New Year's get together we're hosting.


Mia and Dee goofily danced around the house to oldies on the radio, having had one too many. Not being much of a dancer, I sat on the couch with Silas, watching with amusement. Leah and her wife Kristy were here, in the kitchen pouring themselves a glass of wine before the countdown started. Kristy bought her famous homemade cookies over, which I've eaten so many of I'm sure I'll have a stomach ache.

"It's about to start!" I announced seeing the beginnings of the countdown on the T.V.

"Do you want a glass of wine, Sephie?" Leah asked from the kitchen. I politely declined. I've never been one to like alcohol, seeing what it did to my mother.

Mia and Dee stop their dancing and sit on the couch, Mia on Silas's lap. Leah and Kristy also sat together on the loveseat. Seeing all the couples together is making me wish Dominic was here. His fight tonight has me worried, wondering if he's going to be alright. He would be entering the ring by now, and the thought sent a flurry of anxiety in my belly.

The ball is ten seconds from dropping, and everyone counts down, Excitement feeling the room.

"Three, Two, One... Happy New Year!" Silas pulls mia in for a passionate kiss and Leah and Kristy clink their glasses together, lovingly looking into each other's eyes. I'm a little bummed, my boyfriend being a plane ride away and in possible danger.

"Happy New Year," I mutter to myself, picking up one of Kristy's famous cookies.

After a while, I excuse myself to the restroom while they happily chatter about new year's resolutions and whatnot. I don't even have to use it, I just sit on the toilet, scrolling through the rows of texts I sent Dominic, hoping a message from him would pop up. I think wish has come true when my phone rings but to my disappointment, it's an unknown number.

"Hello," I answer, wondering who would be calling me minutes after the new year struck.

"Sephie, It's your mother," Her raspy voice says from the other line. My mood worsened, wondering what trouble she wanted to bring my way.

"What do you want? I'm not going to steal from my boyfriend, so just leave me alone!" I snarled, my mood sour from her calling on top of the fact that I hadn't talked to Dominic in a week.

"Well, I just might have something that will change your mind."

"What do you mean? Nothing will-" She hangs before I can finish and I stare at my phone in disbelief. Seconds later, a message appears on my phone from the same number.

I click on and am surprised to see it is an image. It's blurry so I wait for it to fully load and when it does I feel my whole world crash down around me.

Because right there on my phone was a picture Dominic, lips locked with a gorgeous brunette.

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