Chapter Sixteen

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Sephie's POV

I wake up early, just before the sun is rising. I'm surprised that Dominic's side of the bed is empty and I hear the shower running in the bathroom. I sleepily sit up in the bed, pulling the covers around me. My eyes go to the slightly ajar bathroom door and my stomach clenches. It's open just enough that I can see the mirror above the sink and reflected in it is Dominic, eyes closed, head tilted back as the spray of water rinses the foamy soap off of him. The glass shower walls are fogged up with steam, but I can see his broad muscled chest clearly and just barely, the v-line above his pelvis.

I avert my eyes, feeling like a creep. The water stops and moments later Demon emerges with a towel wrapping around his waist.

"Goodmorning, beautiful," He says, placing a kiss on the top of my head. My cheeks warm, not used to this type of affection. It's still hard to believe that we're together, as a couple.

"Goodmorning," I tell him. He walks over to his dresser and I avert my eyes before he drops his towel. Embarrassed, I head into the bathroom, making sure to close the door behind me all the way. I brush my teeth then I quickly strip and get in the shower, again using Dominic's body wash. When I get out I notice that I forgot to bring a change of clothes in. This means I'm going to have to go in there only wearing a towel. I've never been that bare in front of someone, especially Dominic. My body isn't like the ones Dominic is probably used to seeing, I don't have a thigh gap and my stomach isn't flat. My thighs and butt are chunky and I have cellulite and stretch marks. The towel doesn't hide any of this and I'm afraid that if Dominic sees it, he will reconsider wanting to be with me.

I make sure to avoid meeting Dominic's eyes when I go into the room, hoping he doesn't notice me, but his sharp intake of breath assures me he does. The dresser is right in front of where he's sitting on the bed, now fully clothed. I try to ignore him as I go through the dresser, knowing there is probably a look of disgust on his face. I surprised when his large hands grip my hips, pulling me toward him and sliding up to my stomach.

"Are you purposely tempting me?" He purrs in my ear. My breathing comes out shakily, feeling naked with his hand on my belly. I feel his hardness pressed against my backside and I gasp. I can't help but feel flattered that he still desires me, even after seeing me in this state of undress.

"N-No," I sputter out, taken by surprise. I feel the same heat I felt yesterday building in me.

"Hmm... It seems like it. You're lucky I have a place to be, beautiful, because if not I would have to teach a lesson about teasing me," With that he lets me go, leaving me extremely turned on and dazed. I quickly grab an outfit and rush into the bathroom, wondering what Dominic's idea of teaching me a lesson is. I get dressed in a flash, putting my hair in the usual messy bun because I'm too lazy to do anything with it. When I emerge from the bathroom Dominic is on the phone. I catch the end of the conversation before he hangs up. I heard enough to catch that he plans on leaving after Christmas.

"Where are you going?" I ask him, sitting down beside him on the bed.

"I have a fight on New Years'. It's in another state and my trainer is down there," He tells me.

"Can I go?" I pout at him. I haven't been separated from him since the break-in incident and the thought of being away from him is almost painful.

"No. My concentration has to be completely on training, this is a big fight for me. If you haven't noticed, you're kind of a distraction to me," I pout again at the part about being a distraction but he stops me before I can say anything.

"A good distraction," He assures me. "I'm not leaving until after Christmas. I'll call you every day and you can stay at your sister's house until I come back."

"Okay," I give in reluctantly. To my surprise and delight, he pulls my chin up to him and softly rubs his lips against mine, the faintest hint of a kiss.

"I have to go to the gym," He tells me, sounding reluctant to leave.

"Am I banned from tagging along there too?" I ask and he chuckles.

"No, you can come if you like. There's not much to do there though," He warns, amused.

"Watching you get all hot and sweaty? That sounds like something to do to me," I blush as soon as the words leave my mouth but Dominic throws his head back and laughs.

"My little kitty's a feisty one," He purrs. "We better leave now because if we stay in this bed any longer I might never let you leave."

Even though I like the sound of that, I allow him to lead me out of the room and we drive to his gym.


I watch as Dominic throws punches at the heavy bag, eyes intent on it as if it were his prey. He's just in a pair of basketball shorts, his muscles gleaming with sweat. My mouth waters at the view and I shift in my seat. I can't believe I get to call that hunk of sexiness mine.

When we arrived, I was surprised that Dominic's gym was the same place he had the fight. Now that it wasn't packed to the brim with people, I could appreciate the facility. You'd expect a place like that holds underground boxing matches to be dirty and moldy, but it was well kept and clean. In the gym area, there were other fighters training, some sparring with each other, but I noticed that Dominic kept to himself. There were a couple of other ladies there, who I assume were there for their boyfriends. I noticed Terry's bright red hair right away and sat next to her. There's not much conversation between us as we both intently watch are men train.

"All this sexiness is making me light-headed. I'm going out for a cig," Terry tells me after a while. I give her a slight smile as she gets up and then my eyes are back to Dominic and I'm drooling again

By the time Dominic finishes training, It's almost early afternoon. He approaches me, wiping his sweat with a white towel.

"Did you enjoy the view?" He asks with a devilish smirk.

"It was okay," I say, pretending to sound unimpressed. I can't control myself at his boyish look of disappointing and I burst out in laughter.

"What did I tell you about the teasing," He says and his heated look shuts me up. Then he's the one laughing and I'm still flustered.

"I'm gonna go take a shower and change in the locker. I'll be right back," He says, placing a kiss on my forehead. I watch him disappear out of the door. There's a little flutter going on in my stomach at his public display of affection. Dominic keeps proving me wrong every day. Not only does he like me but he seems to like showing me off and he wasn't put off by my body this morning. This all seems unreal, like the romance stories I read and watch in movies. I can't help but feel like this is too good to be true and I'm in for a rude awakening.

Dominic emerges from the locker room and we walk out of the gym hand in hand. He opens the door for me, as always, and we drive back to his house in comfortable silence. When we walk in I can smell something cooking and Dee is here, chatting in the kitchen with her mom.

"You lovebirds left early. Sephie, why don't you help us with lunch?" Judy asks, eyeing Dominic possessive hand on the small of my back with pure joy.

Cooking with Dee and Judy is fun and I can see where Dee gets her sense of humor from. Under Judy's guide, I'm starting to get better at cooking and when we all sit down to eat, I feel a little pride well up in my chest at Dominic's enjoyment at the food I helped cook.


It's late in the evening and all of us are sitting on the couch, watching a cheesy Christmas movie. I feel bad for Dominic, not only does he have to live in a house full of girls but he's forced to watch our girly shows. He does look slightly annoyed, but also a little bemused whenever we get emotional during the sad scenes. I'm sitting with my head leaning against Dominic's shoulder, petting Rocky who is curled up in Dominic's lap when my phone interrupts the movie.

"I'll go take this," I say getting up, not wanting to distract them during the movie. Closing the door behind me in Dominic's room, I answer the phone.

"Hello," I say. There is a long period of silence and I say it again. When there is no answer I hang up, creeped out. I'm about to go back into the living room when the same number calls again.

"Who is it," I answer again, slightly annoyed now.

"Sephie..." My mother's voice, raspy from years of smoking, finally says and I nearly drop the phone in shock.

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