Chapter Twenty-Three

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An incessant pounding in my head pulls me out of my sleep. I'm confused at first, opening my eyes and seeing morning light just coming through the window. The pounding goes on and on and when the fog of sleep clears from my head I realize I'm not just imagining it. Someone is pounding on the bedroom door.

Thinking it's an emergency and Mia needs me I quickly get up and unlock the door, pulling it open. Before I can see who it is they're pushing their way in my room and closing the door behind them. I don't even have to look up to know who it is. I smell the faint scent of the body wash he always uses.

"What are doing here?" I ask, trying my best to keep my voice void of emotion. We're both standing in the middle of the room and Dominic's large presence seems to fill the whole space.

"Sephie..." Dominic's hands find my side and slide down to my hips and he presses his forehead against mine. I want so badly to lean into him which confuses me. Why do I want to be close to someone who hurt me like this? This is too much. I push away from him, backing up until the back of my legs hit the edge of the bed.

"You don't get to touch me. You got what you wanted, didn't you? You got to have your fun and play with the stupid insecure girl's heart. You can go back to banging random groupies now," I can't help but let a tremble escape in my voice at the last sentence.

"Are you going to let me explain myself?" Dominic asks.

"There is nothing to explain. I saw the picture, Dominic."

"You saw how those girls were at the fights. They're crazy. Some groupie walked up to me and kissed me. Before I could tell her to fuck off someone took the picture," I feel hope welling up in my chest but I quickly force it down, not wanting to get hurt again.

"It's not suspicious to you how your mom got ahold of the picture? Right after wanting you to steal fifty grand from me? She's trying to break us up."

I can't help but think he has a point. My mom had to be the one to take the picture or least get the picture from someone else and she's not exactly the most reliable source.

"Why should I believe you?" I ask, the image of him and that girl still burned in my head. "Even if you are telling the truth, I can't do this. Wondering if you're going to choose someone else over me, questioning if I'll ever be good enough. It all just too much."

My voice breaks at the end and he pulls me into his arms. I can't stop myself from sinking into his touch this time, burying my face in his chest and letting it all out. Every doubt and every insecurity, I let it all out into him, ugly crying into his chest. Dominic picks me up and sits on the bed with, cradling me like a baby while I heave with sobs.

"When I said I was going to make you see yourself the way I do, I wasn't lying. I'm not going to give up on you, Sephie. I've only known you for so long, but you've already stolen my heart." It takes a while for my sobs to die down and Dominic strokes my hair, telling me how beautiful I am.

"I'm going to take you home now," Dominic tells. He picks up my duffle bag, and grabs my arm and pulls me off of the bed. I don't know how to feel about any of this so I don't protest, I just let Dominic lead me out of the room. Mia is in the kitchen, leaning against the counter when we get there. She says no words, looking between with a knowing look. Dominic leads me outside and opens the door for me and I get in the car, feeling numb and confused.

The ride to Dominic's house is short and before I know it we're pulling up in his driveway. He gets my duffle bag, comes around to open the door for me and leads me inside. We get into the bedroom and he sits me down on the bed.

"I have to take a quick shower. I'll be right back," He says, leaving to the restroom. While he's gone I sit on the bed, thinking about our relationship. I have a feeling he was telling the truth but I don't want to have to keep second-guessing myself. I don't think I can be with someone like Dominic without constantly questioning his feeling for me.

Dominic leaves the restroom, towel around his waist. I don't even try to avert my eyes when he drops his towel in front of the dresser. I gasp at the dark bruises littering his torso, mostly on his ribs.

"What happened?" I ask and can't help but reach out and run my finger softly over the scattering of blue and purple.

"The fight. It did a number on me," Dominic says.

"Did you win?"

"Yeah, I did. I would have lost if I didn't know I had you to come home to," I blush at his words, taking my hand away. Dominic pulls on a t-shirt and blue jeans before sitting next to me on the bed.

"I know your questioning things right now and I want you to know whatever you're thinking is wrong. I'm going to order some takeout for us and give you some space to think about everything," With that Dominic leaves and I'm left on the bed, wondering about the future of our relationship.

 I'm going to order some takeout for us and give you some space to think about everything," With that Dominic leaves and I'm left on the bed, wondering about the future of our relationship

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