Chapter Nineteen

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I sat on Silas and Mia's couch as we opened our presents. Early this morning I packed all the presents from under the tree in the car, along with a duffle bag full of clothes.

"Sephie! Thank you!" Mia squealed, pulling me into a tight hug when she saw the handbag I got her. I went back to opening the one from Leah and tears nearly welled up in my eyes from what was inside. There was a cookbook and with it a note that read:


It was wonderful spending time with you. I can see the way my son lights up around you. My boy likes to eat, so hopefully, this will help you cook wonderful meals for him and possibly my future grandbabies. 


"Aw, that's so sweet of her. You've only known them for a short amount of time but you already seem to be a part of the family," Mia says, looking over the note. Her words do make me a little nervous. Dominic and I seem to be moving at light speed, we've only been officially dating for a while and I'm already on good terms with his family.

My present to both Silas and Mia was a reservation at one of the fancy restaurants in town. For the first time, the usually stoic Silas gave me a slight smile of gratitude. Mia gave me an E-reader, knowing that I love reading romance books. When I thought we were done opening gifts I noticed another present. I was surprised that on the box, there was a note saying 'To Sephie, From Dominic'. I didn't notice him put anything under the tree or him even go out to buy anything.

The wrapping paper is a beautiful lavender shade with a dark purple silk bow and it's small and rectangular. I almost feel bad ruining the paper by opening it. Inside lies a black jewelry box, the name of an expensive jewelry company engraved on it. Inside this, a beautifully delicate silver necklace with a gorgeous heart pendant encrusted with pink jewels.

"Whoa," I say, holding it up in my hand and admiring it. The reflects off the crystals beautifully.

"Wow, Sephie. I think it's fair to say you're getting under this guy's skin," Mia says, looking at the necklace in amazement. Her words send a girly giddiness through me and I actually let out a giggle. I feel like I'm in high school all over again, obsessing over some cute boy, except this time it's a man, a man who I've shared a bed with and did some R-rated r things in said bed.

"I'm so happy that you found someone who can bring that smile out of you. What did Dee and I tell you about opening your heart?" Mia says, an 'I told you so' look on her face. I want to believe her, I really do, but this all seems unreal. Girls like me don't get happy endings and macho men who care for them and protect them. In the back of my head, I'm trying to enjoy while it lasts, before I get my rude awakening


The next day, Mia and I roam around the mall. To my disappointment, Dominic hasn't called and my calls to him go unanswered. Instead of watching me mope around the house all day, Mia has decided to take us out for a girl's day.  Silas is working and we're technically not supposed to be doing this since we have a motorcycle club on our behinds but Mia convinced me to take the risk.

We're walking in the food court when Mia abruptly stops, hand clutching her mouth.

"That smell makes me want to gag," She says, sounding sick. Confused, I sniff the air, only smelling the hot dogs from a fast food place near us.

"Do you need to sit down?" I ask worriedly.

"I think I'm going to be sick," She blurts out, running towards the nearest facilities. I rush after, only to find her puking in the toilet. One of the things that gross me out most in the world is the sound of someone puking, but I still hold her hair back and hold my breath, trying not to gag.

"Are you okay," I ask her when she's done. She gets up and rinses her mouth out in the sink before answering me.

"I don't know. That's been happening a lot lately. The smell of frying food makes me want to throw up. I get sick every morning," She tells me.

"Oh my god, you're not pregnant, are you?" I ask. I've watched enough T.V to know that those are classic symptoms of pregnancy.

"I can't be. I'm on the pill."

"Are you taking it regularly?" I ask and her look of guilt gives me my answer.

"Oh my god, we have to get a pregnancy test kit," I tell her, pulling her hand and leading her out of the restroom.

"I don't think it's that serious. Maybe I'm just coming down with something. It is flu season," She tells me, but I ignore her, going into one of the mall's stores and heading towards the aisle with the kits. I pick up two, just in case, and on the way to the register, I get a large carton of orange juice. The older lady at the register gives a knowing look while ringing us up.

"Good luck," She says, handing us our receipts. Mia's face turns red and I lead her out of the store.

"Here, drink this," I tell her, handing over the orange juice. It takes a while for her to chug it down and when she's done we leave the mall, into the parking lot. The drive home is full of tension and Mia looks pretty nervous. When we pull up in her driveway she looks likes she's dreading this whole thing.

"It's going to be okay," I tell her, squeezing her hand. She gives me a slight smile and we leave the car and go into the house.

I wait outside the bathroom door, pacing nervously. I jump when the door opens and she comes out.

"What did it say?" I ask.

"I don't know yet. I couldn't bring myself to read the results," Mia tells me. She looks so scared and I've never seen her that way. She's always been my big sister, the strongest one of the two of us but now she's the one needing my support. I pull her tightly into my arms and Mia hugs me back twice as hard.

"No matter what the results are, we'll figure this all out, okay?" I tell her. She nods her head in the crook of my neck and I reluctantly let her go.

The two tests are sitting on the bathroom sink, facing down. I take a deep breath and close my eyes before picking them up and flipping them over in my hand. I say a quick prayer before I open my eyes to see the result.

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