Chapter 9

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Aria Pov~

We walked all the way back in silence. Blake and I were holding hands walking behind Xavier and Nicole. My hand felt so small and tiny compared to his large manly hands. His hand is probably as big as my head. We turned the corner and saw the Massive Pack house come into view. Blake gave me a small squeeze and a reassuring smile before we walked in.

"Why don't you head upstairs and change then come back down." Xavier said.

I just nod. And Blake adds."I will go with her. We will be back down in 5"

"Ok" Xavier says and walks away leading Nicole by the shoulder towards the meeting room.

We walked upstairs. Once we got to the room we walked into my closet. Blake stood by the door and leaned against the doorway watching me. I picked out my bra and underwear, then a pair of jeans and a t shirt. I stripped out of Blake's shirt and put on my bra and bent down to put on my underwear. Blake growled and was instantly behind me with his arms wrapped around my waist. He kissed my shoulder and then my mark. I fought a moan and turned around trying to stop him.

"We can't do this now." I whispered.

He sighed. "I know, I'm sorry" he says disappointed.

"I will make it up to you. I promise." I say, pecking his lips.

He smiles. "No, here I am thinking about my needs when you are going through so much. I'm sorry." He says softly.

"Well not only me, don't forget this change affects us both." I say.

I turn back around and pull my jeans and shirt on. I walk over to my dresser and brush my hair. Then I take Blake's hand and we both walk down the stairs and towards the meeting room. I was about to open the door when Blake stopped me. I turned to look at him with a confused face.

"No matter what happens or what they say, I want you to know that I love you and I am not going anywhere no matter how difficult this gets. You being 16 doesn't bother me, I love you for you. Plus technically I am part of the prochecy too, so you can't get rid of me easily." He says cracking a smile at the end.

And this is why I love this man!

I peck him on the lips then with interlock our hands and open the meeting room which consists of the 3 Elders, Xavier and Chloe, Matthew, Nicole, Bella and Our parents. I smile and we say our greetings.

"I see you have shifted young one" Romeo says looking at me with those purple eyes. I nod and say "Yes I have."

"How does your wolf look" Marcus asks.

"She is a large white wolf with green eyes, radiating so much power. She is larger than me and radiates more power than me." Xavier says smiling.

"Great. This is getting so exciting." Julius says with a smile and a loud clap.

"We are here to warn you about what is to come."Marcus says.

"Is it bad?" My mother said worridly.

"Well we are here to inform both of you of what you will be going through. We never have had anyone actually go through these changes because there can only be one prochecy, but they are written down. Now you both will be getting your power of the 4 elements very quickly. You will both need to practice using them, but make sure it is out of the sight of the pack." Romeo says looking at us. Then he continues,

"Both of you will be getting a new sense of power. More powerful than any Alpha power. Alphas will bow down to you."Julius says making a gesture with his hands.

We both nod and try to soak up all the informtion.

"You will have to tell your pack tonight. You must warn them that whoever disobey the Prochecies will be punished."Marcus says. With a serious face looking at us with those bright piercing yellow eyes.

"They will sense your Power. It's a very strong Aura." We sense it right now." Romeo adds. "And lastly you both need to train, to become physically strong."

"We don't know when this war is going to start but you both have to be prepared. Do you understand? " Romeo beckons loudly.

Everyone nods and looks like they are about to piss their pants. But strangely I am not affected by his power anymore. I look up at Blake and see he looks normal too. It must have something to do with this new power they keep talking about, because I know for a fact last time they were here and they talked to me like that I was scared.

"We Will be leaving now. We hope everything goes well with you all." Julius says softly. And Xavier walks them out.

When Xavier walks back in he says "I called a pack meeting. Let's go!"

So we follow our Alpha out to the backyard which has a podium and a huge acre of grassland. It looks like the whole pack is already there waiting for their Alpha. Xavier, Blake and I walk onto the Podium.

Xavier begins talking. He then greets them and begins explaining what has happened during the past few days. He explained about the prophecy. There was gasps and shocked faces throughout the crowd. "I am not lying. I would never defy my pack." Xavier says. He pauses and then continues. "Can't you feel the power radiating off them? It's more than mine isn't it?" Xavier ask. Most nod their head and others still have a shocked expression.

"We must respect them. If any of you defy them or cause them trouble you will be punished for your actions, this will not be taken lightly. They are higher than all of us, chosen by the Moon Goddess herself. Who are we to defy the goddess of her decision!!"Xavier voice boomed throughout the area.

As soon as I looked at the crowd everyone seemed frozen. Like they didn't know what to do. Then on the far left hand corner I saw a elderly pack member bow his head, then the person next to him, then 5 other people. It was like a chain reaction because soon the whole crowd all 25,000 had their head bowed to us. I looked over at my mom and dad they had their head bowed too, even Nicole and Nick and Damion. I then looked at the seat behind us where Chloe had been sitting she too had stood up and bowed her head. The last person to look at was Xavier, he had his head bowed. Wow!

I can feel the power surging through me like lightning bolts. My wolf Athena rejoices that they accept who we are. I know there will be those that choose to do wrong and will defy us, but I know me and Blake can and will do this together, one step at a time!

They accepted them!! But what's in store for them in the future? You can tell they are powerful, if they even had the Alpha bowing to them!!! Wow!!!

Thanks for reading!

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My Young Mate (Book 1 in Young Mate series)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα