Chapter 6

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Blake Pov~

When Nicole was yelling at Aria, you should have seen Aria's face. Tears running down her face, she looked so sad. Seeing my mate sad made my wolf and I mad. The inpulse kicked in but before I can even go to my mate she ran out the doors.

"Go to mate. We must protect mate!" My wolf Jared kept saying. So I ran out the doors following her scent all the way to the maze in the garden. She was sitting there with her head in her hands balling her eyes out. That broke my heart. All I can do was comfort her. Then that kiss was amazing.

When I pulled away I heard her whimper a little from the loss of touch. I Knew My Wolf wanted me to mate with her as soon as possible. But I couldn't do that to her. She is only 16. I won't do anything unless she says she's ready.

 "I want to mate tonight." She says confidently.

Is she serious? Maybe she thinks she has to do this for me? I wouldn't do anything that she wasn't comfortable with.

"Are you sure? I could wait till your ready." I say.

"I am ready. I love you so much Enforcer Blake." She says with a smile.

"I love you too Aria Davis" I say with a smile back.

"But we do have to head back to the party first." She says.

"Do we have to?" I whine.

"Sadly yes. Plus this is your party Enforcer Blake." She says with a smile.

"You know you don't have to call me that."

"I know, I do it to annoy you" She says with a smirk.

She jumps off of me and we both walk hand in hand back to the ballroom.

Everyone is still there. Chloe and Bella walk over to us. "May I borrow my sister for a second Enforcer Blake?" Bella asks with a smile. "Sure." I look down at Aria, and when I mean look down I really look down, she is just that short next to my 6'5 body.  "I will be over there cutie" I say pointing at our table and walking away.  Man I can't wait till later!!

Aria Pov~

When Blake left, Chloe and Bella take my hand and pull me towards the corner of the ballroom.  "I can't believe Nicole would say such things! I am so sorry Aria!!" Chloe says pulling me into a hug. I pull way after awhile. "Yea but she had a good reason. I didn't tell her and we tell each other everything. I'm just hoping she will forgive me eventually."

"She will. You guys are best friends. Nothing will change that." Bella says with a warm smile.

"Thanks guys. Blake said the same thing. I just got to give her time."

Just then Xavier walks up to Chloe holding her waist and Blake walks up to me and takes my hand. I notice Bella slowly leaves. Probably feeling like the 3rd wheel.

"I feel really bad for Bella. She doesn't deserve this."

"There is nothing you can do Aria. It's up to her to find her mate." Xavier sighs sadly.

"Can't she travel to other packs. Maybe her mate is residing closer than we think." I say.

"You know Aria is right. Bella never actually went to other pack's searching for her mate. The only time she left the pack was for meetings or to go to the human territory for the shopping stores." Chloe says.

"I can ask her and see if that is something she would be interested in." Xavier says.

The night went on and they danced, laughed, and mingled. Blake looked at his little mate and realized just how perfect she is. Throughout the whole night she just talked to everyone with a joyous smile on her face. Now it was getting late. Slowly everyone was leaving. Blake and Aria said goodnight to everyone and made their way up to Blake's room which is now Aria's room also. Before the party they had the staff move Aria's stuff into Blake's room.

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