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I am afraid my dad remembers I had-have- an addiction to self destruction before he,more or less, died. I tried my best to block out my childhood, myself.

But today, right now, they flooded in by a snowstorm.
Memories of my dad telling me what a brain freeze was made me laugh out loud sheepishly, it was homemade ice cream my grandma made us when we visited, when I was six. 16 years ago. My dad has been gone for 16 long years, giving my mom a drinking problem and sending my brother,  Zach to a mental hospital for the first week of highschool.

My sister doesn't talk about before him and I, I didn't know him. My step-dad was my dad though I called him "

I remember coming home to a empty house, empty stomach. I remember grabbing a banana for a snack eating it as Zach walked though the door pale as could be, he looked at me with nothing but tears falling as he said

"There was an crash. Loud siriens dround me out Tyler. Daddy isn't coming home"

I was old enough to understand death. I threw up the banana and never ate one again

The car door opened and cold hands pulled me out into a cold world

"The money" Brandon spat

"Here" a female said before a thud

"Count" Brendon said to whoever was free

"Nice doing business with ya, bastards" Dallon laughted, I was grabbed by the shirt and pulled away. I whimpered as doubt washed over me

My brain questioned my heart for trusting everyone who brought me into this.

Would they break a promise? would they save me? Would they-

"Son" a voice called out

"N-no your, your dead"


After forever had come and died the thick black bag was pulled from my head and I gasped for the fresh air

I was in a limo next to a locked door with my hands in front of me bound by duck tape

I gasped but didn't turn to look who was speaking. I started crying at the sound of his voice

"Look at me boy, it's your dad"

My breathing was loud a rough "your dead" I whimpered

"No Son, I almost died"

I kept my gaze from him

"Please my boy. Look at your dad"

"Your dead"

"Stop being so dramatic boy, yes I- was almost killed" he trailed off

"Almost?" I nearly laughed "you almost broke my family. Your side tried to take away the company, our way of living"

"Stop being so  selfish Tyler. I was trying to protect you" he began to yelled but caught himself "if I was dead they wouldn't go after your mama next."

I shifted away"why? Why are you doing this,if you wanted your family back you coulda come yourself"

Silence broke us apart for a few minutes, I turned my head softly and saw his knees, wearing the same dark blue suit as I remembered so long ago.

"The company, it had a dark side, we tracked poilce scanners, drug dealers and shit" he laughed but it died faster then him "a gang found out and seeked revenge(creeper, aw man)

I didn't learn from my mistakes and the FBI is close on my tail"

'Killjoys, please. Save me' I thought as my stomach dropped

"I need to die once again. Your blood is the closest to mine. You'll go in my place, to heaven. I'll make sure of it"

"This isn't going to work" I wondered how be knew my blood was more like his then Zach. I donate at school, could he have hacked the servers at red cross?

"You won't feel a thing Tyler. I promise, though it's a Shame you'll be at heaven before your grandma. You always had problems with mental health though. God's not surprised, he messed up when he made."

I wanted to look up, him in the eyes and screams on how he knew my dreams, I wanted to demand on how he knew who God was.

"i-" I stuttered dying so soon after finding Josh, i wanted to die before i got old but-
"but I believe in love. I believe in Josh dun"

"Who" my dad asked

My whole body shook in rage, how the hell did he not know who Josh was, he hired him to Steal me.

"Calm down Tyler!" My dad barked at me "this is why god made you. So i could live"
The killjoys never gave me the signel. Tears fell from my eyes as I began to wail in stress.

fine I'd make my own.

"Stop the car" i gasped shaking

"Driver!" The girl who was silent the whole time shouted over. She reached over and opened the door for me.

I fell onto the floor and crawled to my knees, they though i might be throwing up but I chewed though the duck tape and swung my hands down in a bloody scream, then i pushed my self off the side of the road.

I turned around, my nose almost touching my dad who gotten out of the car

I stared into his eyes as my reached over my head making something no one knew

It looked like |-/

But maybe it was just me

"What the fuck are you doing ty-"

I calmly breathed out as a gunshot rung though the air hitting my dad just above his ear

I looked down at his body as the people he brought with him either pulled a gun out of drove to hide

One tear that wasn't like the rest fell for him, the man who died 16 years ago

The girl grabbed my arm pulling my body down behind the car as the shoot out played out, we wrapped our arms around each other and tried to hide

I whispered to her
"Only a few will understand"


I was gonna publish this yesterday but school started three days ago and forgot.
Now I'm at great Wolf Lodge babysitting 11 girls with two others, though we let them loose and keep going on the really cool slide, "tornado"
Probably update again tonight or tomorrow UwU
-dead dreamer, who probably shoulda spell checked

The Stolen Innocent Boy | Joshler✓Where stories live. Discover now