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I rubbed my eyes with my palms, I needed to stop crying, it was making me dizy and sore.

I kept on looking around the empty room to remind myself I wasn't in the hospital again, I did the same exact thing when we learned my dad died but he wasn't dead was he?

A dead person doesn't get gangbangers to kidnapped their kids, a dead person doesn't move to California after faking their death but hey Josh could be wrong.

He lost alot of blood and woke up a coma-like state to tell me the man who's blood flows through mine is alive and wants me but can't do it himself, a dead persons best efforts was Josh. If my dad stayed dead I would be at home, wouldn't I? Everything would be alright if my dad actually fucking died.

I shoot up and walked over to the other side of the room, trying to get away from those thoughts. So many empty promises he gave me, he gave my family.
a little bit of me was happy he was dead and the fact my mom married my step dad at some point in my life, now one of them.

Mikey walked in and handed he cup to me. I gulped it down as if I was trying to drown myself

"Do you think their done?" I used my sleeve to dry my lips

"Probably not" he sighed "you should get some rest. Gerard is gonna be back soon"

I tilted my head and looked around "he left?"

"After you said the auto repair was shot up he left to go see if anyone else escaped, I'm pretty sure they are tho. Dead men can't pay off depts"

I nodded softly and looked at the  bare couch "got any blankets here?"

"I'll go find them" he disappeared again and I set the cup down on the side table.

Out the window it was dark and snowing but I saw bright headlight pull up the front. I wasn't sure who got out but there was four figures coming up to the door.

As the door swung open the bell ringed and Mikey came back holding a blanket and pillow

Brendon stared at me for a few seconds with tired eyes
"What happened?" I asked noticing blood on his hand, a little spot under his eye and neck

"They killed our dad. " His breath stuttered as he walked to the bathroom door to clean up.

"Ryan" one I've never seen before walked in with Gerard

"Yeah Dallon?" Walking through the door step was the same man who pulled me out of the truck

"Can you help Brendon clean the blood away?" Dallon asked

"Sure but what are you gonna do?"

"Call Spencer" he pulled out his phone and turned around towards to car

I was surrounded by strangers who didn't seem to notice me so I grabbed the things from Mikey who helped me set it up.

"Gerard? " Mikey called out to his brother who hadn't said anything

"Hm" he was a daze probably hasn't realized he was having a conversation

"How bad is it?"  Mikey lowered his voice at his brothers response

He looked over at us "Bad. Really fucking bad"


I couldn't sleep so I pretend too, Dallon came back inside but I only gave him a glance as he walked into the bathroom.

Mikey had set up a bed for himself in the other couch where he was now, Gerard disappeared again but I didn't care.

I kinda hurt to look at him, I bet when Josh dyed his hair it was the same colour as Gerard's hair right now. I didn't wanna think about Josh right now, so I thought about what Mikey said about me making a killjoy name. I wonder what Josh's was and what mine should be.

After awhile I thought about how this fear about losing Josh made me anxious and how I lost sight of who I am. No longer a boy who couldn't taste the dirty rag out of fear but something else, someone else.

"Mikey you awake" I said asloud as I breathed

After a few moments I heard "yeah"

"My killjoy name.." I began, he perked up and looked at me with shining eyes

"Blurryface" I stared a the ceiling with my hands under my head

"Blurryface?" Mikey repeated testing it out on his own tongue "I love it, any reason?"

I smiled softly "nothing worth sharing"

"Blurryface and Spooky Jim" he said "yeah I like the sound of that"

Gerard has a weird ability to be in a room without you knowing so I jumped A little when he told us to go back asleep

I looked over at the door leading to Josh "Goodnight Kobra kid"

"Goodnight, Blurryface"


I'm going camping so maybe I'll update again in the same night?

The Stolen Innocent Boy | Joshler✓Where stories live. Discover now