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I spend all day playing twenty one pilots on my ukulele and spend like 15 minutes writing this.

~[Josh's Pov]~

I stretched out my left arm and yawned, it was exactly 6:00AM on a Monday and I had to call Brendon before Tyler wakes up. I carefully freed my hand and got up. The front door made a lot of sounds opening up so I had to do it slowly and just shimmy though the crack, it was dark and empty, barely any cars on the road and parking lot. My feet carried me down the stairs and to the swimming pool. I leaned against the gate and pulled out my phone.

I had left the screen on the phone app from when I called Brendon to check-in.

It ringed four times before I heard Brends groggy voice "what" he moaned

"Any updates?" I asked

" Yeah. You forgot not to call me before eight"

"About the deal?" I heard a sound from the other side of the line that sounded like glass shattering

"Well Joseph is mad we're playing him but like around 12ish last night he send me an email saying he'll contact 'dad' about the money. "

"So I'm still taking him to Kansas?"

"I didn't tell you not to" Brendon sounded angry at my question

"Is he with you" I whispered,  this wasn't the Brendon I know

"Yes I don't care if you've hurt him. Just to as your told " Brendon spat

Last time I checked Dad was in Canada, he left Brendon in charge while he layed low, why did he come back?

"Okay.. bye" I signed "I love you"

"Just do as your told , Jim" that was code, I love you, it was also my fake name, we used them on jobs that caused for secret identities, we all knew if we said it it means I love you and I won't leave you behind. I should have told Tyler my name was Jim but I didn't. And I didn't know why.

The line went dead and I walked back to the room, I smiled when I saw Tyler was spread his body out, my blue blanket was twisted around his frame and his nose was in my pillow. I wonder if his cheeks where still bright red from when I kissed him, when I made him share a bed with me. I thought he was gonna give me a better fight, a tantrum maybe, but he didn't he just declared that there was 'no homo', between us, between me being payed to Steal him.
It slowly became different with Tyler, all the jobs I've had before where the same.
'Kidnap my ten year old daughter from my ex husband and bring her home to me'

  'take this boy out of my town and make sure he knows not to come back'

They where all the same, I would take them and travel to the other side of the state and tell them not to go back. The little girl was do happy she was back with her mom. The boy was angry that I took him but we both agreed it was better then them killing him.

But with Tyler, I wanted him to stay with me as long as possible, he was different, he was acting different then when we first met, he hated me but last night while we slept he had grabbed my waist and snuggled without me noticing until I woke up.

I looked around the room and went into the bathroom, I didn't clean up last night and I should probably get everything done before Tyler wakes up and annoys me, his clothes where on the floor and the band aids where in the bin. I scooped up his clothes and dropped them in the duffle bag, leaving Tyler's shoes on the table I sighed and looked at Tyler, still asleep.

The next thing I did was scrub down the tub, there was dry blood around the drain and a trail leading to it.

I check on Tyler, still asleep, I huffed and grabbed my phone, texting someone i knew who worked around here

"I need to switch out cars, one with a radio"

They respond rather quickly


"Send address"

"Friendly hill motel. On third"

I walked over to the duffle bag and pulled out my gun, I had to wait for Tyler to wake up do I thought cleaning this old thing would pass time

I ended up cleaning my gun four times and Tyler only moved once to stretch out his upper back. The man had come and switched out the cars for me. Our new ride was a Volvo S60 cross country and I checked the radio, it worked prefectly.

I stood up shoved my gun in my pants, my jacket covering it hand, I left the room again and wondered around until finding vending machine. I fed it a couple of dollars getting Tyler and I each a moon pie and Gatorade.

I took my time going back to our room, Tyler showed no signs waking up at this hour and I was right but this time Tyler was curled up and snoring softly. I rubbed my forehead with a bottle and contemplated wether to wake him up or just carry him to the Car. I'll give him 5 minutes and after that I'll carry him.
It took be about 15 minutes to check out and put the bag in the trunk, Tyler was still snoring so I just lifted him up and carefully placed him on the seat careful not to make a sound a closed the door and got in on my side.

I almost started the car until I realized what I've forgotten, I jumped out and ran up the stairs, I used the key card and walked up to the bed. I sighed in relief, the blue blanket was waiting for me.

I snatched it up and heading back, I placed it on tylers leg and smoothed it out.
"Mhp" Tyler moan at the touch.

I rolled my eyes went to the wheel
"Time to go buddy" I started the car and turned on the radio.

With no warning Tyler sneezed which scared the shit out of me, my hand jerked to my side to grab my gun and I stopped myself. It was just tyler, who sneezed.. in his sleep

The Stolen Innocent Boy | Joshler✓Where stories live. Discover now