555 21 20

I woke up with Gerard shaking me softly, with confusion on my head I sat up.

"Blurryface" he said with a small smile

For a second I wonder who that was, forgetting everything that happened last night but it slowly drifted into place
"Yeah?" I held my breath, this was about Josh, I could feel it under my skin

"They finished, he's alive and stable"

I released all my anxiety in a laugh. "Thank God, can I see him?"

"He's asleep and still covered in blood I don't think that's a good idea. Plus everyone who helped Dr. Ryan, including her is passed out on the floor, they worked six hours to keep him alive"

"Oh... " I leaned back in the made up bed "well when can I?"

"When the sun rises I guess, just go back to sleep"

I shook my head "what if something happens to Josh while everyone is asleep?"

Gerard grinned "Brendon, Dallon, Ryan, and I are going to be in there just in case"

"Then I wanna be in there too!" I stood up and Gerard sighed and looked at Mikey, "alright" probably not wanting to fight and wake his brother up

I smiled "thanks"


I stood nervously by the door staring at Josh with wide eyes. I thanked God once again after seeing his chest rise and fall into place, I was so glad he was alive I didn't even notice Brendon or the others until now

I took a step closer, Brendon was sitting right next to Josh while his friends, Ryan and Dallon, where talking to Gerard as they moved Dr.Ryan from the floor to a chair

"Brendon?" I didn't mean to but I said it in a low, soft voice "is he gonna be-" I don't know why but finishing that was filling my stomach with pins and needles

"Sit" Brendon said softly "sit down Tyler"

I nodded and brought a chair next to him, he was sitting on it backwards so I copied him, using the back to hold my upper body weight. "Did you get hurt?"

"No, they killed our dad though. How the fuck am I going to tell Josh"

"With relief?"

Brendon looked at me with a questionable look, was he wondering what I was talking about or how I knew.

"I put two and two together" I looked at Josh's face "the way he talk about your dad, the boss"

"Shit Josh, when did you get so soft" Brendon chuckled "did he talk to you often?"

"What else where we suppose to do" I wondered as I talked if I snitching for josh's poor craftsmanship of stealing, he never actually had to talk to me or put me in the front seat.

"You changed Josh" Brendon popped out "you know that?"

I slowly shook my head "how?"

Brendon shrugged "he hasn't care so much for another beating heart that wasn't me. I'm his older brother but you?" He glared at me "who are you? How did you make Josh's soft side come out"

"I haven't really seen his soft side " I reached out for Josh and stroked his arm "not lately"

"Can I ask something Tyler?" Brendon asked

"Uh sure" I tilted my head

Brendon made a sharp whistle sound and the remaining conscious people cocked their head at him. He pointed at the door and they sighed walking away, Gerard gave me a look that didn't make me comfortable being alone with Brendon.

"Tyler" he stood up and walked over to a small tray picking up a Petri tray that held the bullet "this question is more like uhh" he bobbed his head side to side looking for the perfect word "deal"

I sat up "what kind of deal?"

"We get the money and you get to go home kind of deal"

Air stopped swirling in my lungs for a second, my fingers found Josh's warm hands and I grabbed it. Trying to keep my cool I whispered "I'm listening"

He looked at our hands and smirked, almost proudly. "we'd give you to your buyers, killjoys get you out and go home, simple as that"

"How would that ever work" I asked, I was getting good news and yet I wanted to cry

"Do you know who payed us?" Brendon asked softly only continuing when I nodded "the family man said he just wanted his son back, but, he doesn't actually he'll pretend too, which means.." he wanted me to finish but I wasn't sure how

Brendon sighed " he'll leave you alone where the killjoys can get you out"

"How do you know if this is gonna work. How will the Killjoys get me out?" I looked at the window, snow piled up next to the glass "I don't think that's necessary anyways, he's my dad who loves me and wants to see me"

"If he actually loved you he'd hire someone who had gentle hands"
Brendon shrugged "we can leave you there if you don't agree. I'm trying to help you. Josh wanted to help you "

I blinked and bit my lip and tried to blink away some rebel tears, Brendon was right if he wanted me so bad why would he pay someone, why won't he just take me himself, he's my dad

"run the offical plan by me, as much detail as you can Brendon"

He smirked and nodded, taking a seat next to me again

I hate this chapter but this story is ending and I'm trying to get my plot organized

And apparently in the worst way possible

The Stolen Innocent Boy | Joshler✓Where stories live. Discover now