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I keep on saying I'll have chances to escape but so far I tried very little to fight back and I'm not really sure why, fear? Pain? Something else that involves Whales and Plants? I have no idea what's keeping me from jumping out the window I've been staring at since Josh pointed at a sleeping bag and told me that's where I'm sleeping tonight it's not like I'm on the second floor or basement I started from.

I was praying the people who built these houses had camera and saw but no one came and when I was outside and in the house I saw nothing. I wondered how they got here, how we'll leave.

I say up and looked at what I thought was Josh but instead was an empty sleeping bag I looked up at the door and it was cracked open, I stood up and wondered over to Josh's sleeping bag, I looked under he pillow for a gun but couldn't find one. I sigh and stood up walking over to the door, I pressed my ear on the door and listened for something like foot steps or talking but only heard muffles.

I pushed it open and looked down the hall, the light was coming from the other side, curiosity grabbed me by the troat and pulled my closer instead of looking for an escape.

I heard yelling but it was different, it wasn't really here. I peered over the door frame and saw a small group of people much older then me

"My boss will Never agree. We had a deal on the Money and you want to raise it?"

"Listen baby" Brendon leaned in "no cash no kid"

Where they talking about me, the picture Josh took of me on the train, and phone call?

"We agreed on a deal" she shot back " we'll tell the police"

"That you hired a, you so kindly put it, 'gang' to kidnap a fragile teen from his mother and step father"

There was silence on the other side of the line, I sneaked into the room and pressed myself against the wall Patrick turned and looked at me. My eyes widen and I shook my head softly and he had some since of moral in kidnapping someone and letting them know what is going to happen to said person so he turned back.

"Well.. I can see if we can add 100 to each person..."

"Listen, we have bosses too. we owe money too" Brendon sighed "we'll happily keep the boy until he's 60 until we get that Cash"

I swallowed softly and shifted against the wall, I didn't want to stay here forever I want to go home but the last time I tried to escape I killed people. I need to be %100  sure I won't be coming back.

"I'll need to talk to the boss" she sighed "just please, that picture you sent, he looked horrible, please treat him better"

"That'll be another 500" Brendon said

I heard her sigh again "okay, okay.."

Patrick looked at me and mouthed 'go back' so I listened and snuck away and got back into the sleeping bag. Three minutes later the door clicked close and I heard rustling of the other sleeping back.

"Goodnight Ty" I could barely hear Josh say, I didn't reply he probably thought I was asleep because the last thing he said to me was probably the most emotional and hurtful things someone told me.

"Im so sorry this is happening to you but I don't want to die"

The Stolen Innocent Boy | Joshler✓Where stories live. Discover now