Chapter 5 - Let the Search Begin!

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After talking for a bit you began to get to know Steluta, he was a nice guy really. Even though he hit you with a baseball bat. In the midst of your little conversation you remembered Deadpool. "Hey uh, do you think you could help me find my friend?" You questioned the other male suddenly. He blinked at you once or twice in regards to the sudden subject change and slowly nodded his head.

"Is he cosplaying anyone? We could probably narrow the search down by that." You went to go shake your head 'no' but you caught yourself before you could and shook your head 'yes'. "Yeah he's cosplaying Deadpool." Nice save.

"Hm..well there seems to be a lot of Marvel cosplayers here, including you so it may be a challenge." At this, you slowly looked around. Yeah there were a lot of Marvel cosplayers here, you had never seen so many Deadpools in your life. It made you think you were going insane and gave you a quite painful knot in your stomach but you shrugged it off. "Well..I guess that's true. But we could also narrow it down by his body type."

"Body type?" Steluta questioned as he slightly tilted his head.

"Er..yeah. Body type. (Deadpool's fake name), well built and tall?" That didn't sound weird at all.

"Okay so we can avoid all the skinny  and short cosplayers then?"

"I guess s-" You were cut off as Steluta began running in the other direction. "WAIT!" You called after him and began following him.

"I'll look over here! Someone with the name of (Fake name) right? We'll meet back here in an hour!" He yelled and then disappeared in the crowd of people. An hour? To search this whole place? better get going.

(This one's really short, sorry ;A; )

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