Chapter 1.5 - Awkward Silence

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You both continued to stare in shock at the screen as Deadpool awkwardly turned back around to his normal stance, as if he could feel the atmosphere.

“Deadpool, you idiot.” You could hear yellow box say aggressively, but calmly towards him.

“ that apart of the game?” Kayden questioned, not taking his eyes off of the screen. You glanced at him but re-directed your attention towards the screen once again. “It’s never happened He usually always stays face away from the screen.” You replied causally, as if nothing was wrong with it.

“Welllll--On second thought I am going to head on out of here.” Kayden said, getting up off the ground quickly and stretching. “W-What, but it’s just a game Kayd--” You twisted your body to look at your friend but your door clicked shut and he was gone already.

“Well, good bye to you too.” Rolling your eyes, you hesitantly picked the controller back up, signed out of Kay’s account and signed into yours. 

“Let’s try this again..” You whispered.

About 15 minutes into the gameplay, nothing was happening, just awkward silence. No smartass remarks, sexual jokes, criticizing, nothing was coming out of Deadpool’s mouth. 

The white and yellow boxes even stayed deathly silent. This was getting more awkward then when he turned around. 
You coughed silently. “Common Wade, no smartass remarks? You’re not even going to criticize me on my gameplay bro?” You chuckled, your lips twisting into a sly grin.

Deadpool grunted at this.

Did he just respond to you?

No no, it couldn’t was just a grunt. Plus..he was a video game character, he’s not real..right?

Your grin quickly faded into a thin line on your face as your eyes narrowed at the screen. 

As you continued to play he was still staying silent, even when you fought people, he wasn't even following the script of his game when cutscenes came up. Just silence. It kinda felt like an episode of ‘The Twilight Zone’ now that you think about it.

Pausing the game, you moved the knob and clicked quit game, that was enough weirdness for one night..

“Maybe the game really is broken?” You questioned yourself as you turned off the game console and TV. 

Groggily walking over to your bed, you flopped onto it almost instantly falling asleep, but not empty minded. You had Deadpool’s game on your mind, and little did you know that the Xbox had turned back on by itself and a certain Merc With a Mouth was watching you as you slept soundly.

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