Chapter 7 - And So Our Journey Begins

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  Note: I know it's been a while but look, update :D I've been really busy A lot of things have been happening. On another note, I looked at my notifications and behold..1.5k notifications. Holy shit guys! I just wanted to thank you ll so much for all the support. I had no idea this would be as popular as it has been. I was so shocked. Thank you again! Here's the next part, time for some drama <:


You ran your hand through your (h/c) as you stared at the door and sighed. You propped your legs up on your computer desk and pulled out your phone, still no messages and 0 missed calls. Another sigh came out of your mouth. Wade had been gone all day today which was weird because he usually stuck to you like glue ever since you two had started dating. The door suddenly opened, revealing your mom with a laundry basket. "Still waiting for your friend?" She asked and you shrugged. You had told your mother and father about Deadpool around week go, well aside from the fact that you were dating him as well as leaving out the fact that he was a video game character that just so happened to escape from your xbox. So right now, Wade was just a friend who liked to cosplay in their eyes.

"He was supposed to be here hours ago." You mumbled as your gaze wandered back down to your phone and your mom smiled softly as she put the laundry basket down onto your bed and stepped over to your side, putting her hand on your shoulder and crouched down. "(Y/n), it's okay, he's a very strong man, maybe he just met a woman and decided to hang out a little longer." She spoke and your eyes widened. "That's what I'm worried about." You said out loud, not realizing it. What if Wade really did meet some girl or guy and decided to ditch you for them? You've seen his in-game personality and it's highly possible. Your mom raised an eyebrow as you got up and slipped on a coat. "I..I'll be right back, probably." You said before leaving your room and walking downstairs to which your father asked you where you were heading off to at such a late hour and you just replied by waving him off and walking out the front door.


You had been wandering around the streets for quite some time now, every so often calling out for Wade which hadn't really done much other than get some people to tell you to be quiet whether it was through their window, opened door or just some random person sitting on the steps or curb outside of an apartment building. You started to get even more worried and crossed your arms as you walked, it was starting to get colder, the winter this year seemed to be getting harsh and the night was starting to creep you out.
You might've been living in New York City, but your mom had actually decided to pick a quiet part of the specific area where not as many cars passed through and not as many lights were on at night. To you, it seemed mostly abandoned and you didn't really like that. The night is where anything can happen.

As you continued to walk longer you decided to call out for your boyfriend one more time before heading home. "WA-" Your sentence dropped as you heard a noise, sort of like a thumping sound come from behind you and your heart virtually skipped a beat. Your head whipped around to find out what it was which was maybe not such a good idea in retrospect when you saw someone dressed in all black with a hood covering his head. Classic stalker/murderer anyone? You whipped your head back around and continued to walk a bit faster, pretending to not notice the person and you slowly reached into your pocket for your phone, you felt around for it only to find...nothing. 'What the hell?!' You thought and sorted around in your other pocket only to find the same thing, nothing. Thinking back, you might've left your phone on your bed to put on your coat. Yep. Shit.

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