Chapter 3.5 - Not What It Seems.

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(f/n) = Fake name
(f/l/n) = Fake last name

"Kayden, it's not what it--" You were interupted as Kayden ran out of the room and down the hall, heading downstairs.

"Shit!" You whisper yelled as you squirmed out from underneath Deadpool and chased after your friend. You were able to catch him in the hall at the top of the stairs, you grabbed his wrist and pulled him away from the staircase.


"What!" He hissed, turning to you.

"It wasn't what it looked like!" Thank god your parents were at work right now, or else they would be asking what was up with all the yelling.

"(y/n), are you kidding me!?" He yelled again. ripping his arm away from you. "I just saw a fucking VIDEO GAME CHARACTER ON TOP OF YOU! I MEAN-- WHAT THE HELL DUDE, CARE TO EXPLAIN?!"

"Uh, hello! Earth to Kayden! That's exactly what I'm trying to do!" You hissed back.

"Now, listen!" Kayden turned his full body to face you and crossed his arms, waiting for an explanation. "Look, he's just a friend that is...uh...dressed up as Deadpool..on his convention?" You paused trying to add-on. "And he just stopped by to ask if I was coming? And he..slipped." Yeah, yeah. That seemed reasonable...right?

"..." Kayden raised an eyebrow and his muscles relaxed as his arms lowered. "Oh.."
Did he actually believe that? Score!

"Alright." He said as he began walking back to your room. Wait..what? What if Deadpool blows it? God dammit! No, that can't happen, then you'll really be in some hot water. You quick-walked behind Kayden as he got to the doorway of your room, bumping into Deadpool as he was on his way out.

"Oh, heh, sorry! Anyways, (y/n) told me what was up and I'm sorry!" Kayden said cheerfully as he held his hand out. "I'm Kayden, nice to meet you!" Uh-oh.
Deadpool's shoulders raised and he grasped Kayden's hand, shaking it vigorously.


Hopefully he doesn't say what you think he's going to say.

"Hiya, I'm Wade!" Shit! You ran over to the two of them and lowered Wade's arm, trying to think of a lie. "Ahaha, your funny! Dude you don't need to be in character all the time, loosen up!" You attempted at a smile, trying to think of a fake name for the big idiot.

"Kay, this is--uh--.....(f/n). (f/l/n)...(f/n) (f/l/n)." Deadpool just turned his head towards you, and you could tell he was giving you a 'wtf' look.

"Uh..alright, nice to meet you (f/n)." Kayden said happily. "So what con are you going to?" He questioned. God dammit, did he really have to ask that?

Well, god knows you can't have Deadpool answer it. So you thought up the name of a recent one you went to. "Metrocon." You said quickly.

"Oh cool, I'm going to Metrocon too!" Kay grinned wildly.

Your eyes widened at this.


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