Chapter 2.5 - "TO THE KITCHEN!"

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The mercenary climbed back into your room as you continued to type away at the keyboard, the clicking sounds of the keyboard drowning out other small noises, including footsteps. 
Deadpool walked up, putting his face next to yours silently. "What'cha doin?" He purred.

"WHAT IS WITH YOU AND SNEAKING UP ON ME?" You growled and your eyes widened as his arms wrapped themselves around your neck and he rubbed his cheek against yours. 

You were used to Kayden doing this and it didn't bother you, it felt like brother annoying brother actions to you, but with Deadpool, it seemed different.

You blushed thinking about it and flailed your arms. "Talking to know, the one you don't like?" You said. True to were talking to Kayden via Skype, but not with microphone. He would surely recognize Deadpool's voice and freak out.

At this, his arms tightened slightly around your neck and you smirked. It was true? He didn't like Kayden? Or..was he jealous?

You shook this thought from your mind and continued to talk to your best friend.

~ ~ ~Time skip brought to you by Deadpool frolicking in a grassy meadow, chasing bunnies with a chainsaw.~ ~ ~

Both Deadpool's and your attention shifted towards your door as you heard Caitlyn. "(y/n)?" She asked, pounding on the wooden surface. You slapped Deadpool's arms for him to let go and he shook his head, refusing. You groaned trying to wiggle out of his grip, but couldn't like you could do with Kayden.

Because damn, this guy was strong.

"(y/nnnnnnnn)." Caitlyn said again. You huffed and got up, moving towards the door, Dragging the red and black suited man with you. Hitting his arms once again, you pointed behind the door, telling him to hide there while you opened it and talked to your sister. He whined and obediently did as told and pressed his back against the wall behind the door.

Opening it, you were greeted with emerald eyes staring into your (e/c) ones. "Left over Chimichangas for breakfast~" She giggled and ran off. Your stomach growled happily at the mention of one of your favorite foods and you closed the door and Deadpool's mask was in front of your face. 

"TO THE KITCHEN!" He yelled, opening the door and running out. You narrowed your eyes and ran after him, tackling him to the ground in the hallway, causing a loud thump. 

"(y/n)! Are you alright?" Your mother called from the kitchen.

"Yeah, just fell is all!" You yelled back as you were now perched on top of Deadpool's back.

Said person reached their arm out, trying to crawl further down the hallway.
"No, you wait in my room, I'll bring some up for you." You said to him and he stopped, sighing heavily. "Fineeeeee." You got up and allowed him to get up as well, and he groggily walked back into your room as you went down the stairs and into the kitchen and was hit in the face with the delicious scent of the food.

"Klutz." Caitlyn snickered as you entered. You stuck your tongue out towards her like a kid and turned your attention to your mom at the stove. "Four to go please~" You said walking up to her. Her eyes widened at this. "You are going to eat four of these?" She asked disbelievingly. 


"Alright.." She said handing you a plate and plopping down four of the delicious goodies.
"Thank youu." You replied causally walking back up the stairs and into your room, only to find Deadpool sitting at your computer.

You snuck up behind him, putting your face next to his. 

"What'cha doin'?" You said, doing the same thing as he did to you. He threw the keyboard up in the air out of surprise and you caught it with your free hand. He then used the mouse to exit out of whatever he was looking at, and you had a feeling you knew what it was.

"Payback's a bitch, ain't it?" You chuckled and showed him the plate of Chimichangas, handing him two. 

He flailed his arms in pure happiness and gladly took the two, you walked over and sat on your bed and watched him lift up his mask partly for his mouth as he began to gorge himself.

He was done in two minutes flat and you stared at him, as you were still on your first one.

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