Chapter 4.5 - Hey Batter Batter!

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Standing back up, you continued to stare at Deadpool as you asked a single question in between giggles. "Why?"

Deadpool simply chuckled. "I like your laugh!" You froze. Was he being sincere? Blushing slightly under your Spiderman mask, you began to laugh awkwardly. "Heh, you sounded like you were serious for second there." A moment of silence passed by and Deadpool went to say something but was interrupted by Kayden.

"Enough of the flirting, let's go checkout some stands!" He cheered happily, grabbing both you'res and Deadpool's wrists and dragging you both--somewhere.


It's been 20 minutes of Kayden dragging you both. 20 STINKING MINUTES. He's been pointing out stands but just awing at them and not even bothering to go near them. What surprised you the most was that Deadpool was tolerating his behavior. He would've gone off in a direction that he wanted, but..little did you know that a certain sentence you said earlier might have hurt his feelings.

"Oh, hey look! A Marvel stand!" Kayden said migrating off to the side where a large stand was placed. Tons of magazines were stocked up on the shelves and there were a ton of people crowding it. Excitement was imminent in the air as people were yelling, screaming stuff like 'No, I want that one!' or  'That's the last one, give it here!'. Since when exactly did Marvel's popularity scale back up? might have never went down considering getting out and doing activities wasn't exactly your thing.

"Hey, Deadpool." You wanted to go look and see if there was any Deadpool comics left and see if he wanted one, but when you turned, he was gone. "Kayden wher--" You tugged on Kayden's shirt, but when you turned your head, you were tugging on..a baseball shirt?

"GAH! I'm s--" The next thing you know, you got a baseball bat to your stomach and fell on your ass. "S-sorry." You chocked out, the wind knocked out of you. A baseball bat..A BASEBALL BAT? SERIOUSLY. FIRST A PLASTIC SWORD, AND NOW A BASEBALL BAT. WERE YOU EVERYONE'S TARGET OR SOMETHING TODAY?

"Oh god, oh god, I'm sorry!" A male voice yelled. "I didn't mean to, I promise!"  He grabbed a hold of your arm and pulled you up. "Are you okay?" As your vision cleared, you were no longer seeing three people, only one. "Aha..yeah, thanks." Now that you could clearly see this guy, you could tell what he looked like. To go along with the baseball bat, he wore the usual baseball Tee, along with a black baseball cap that covered a fair portion of his dirty blonde hair, white pants and cleets. He looked like the Batter from OFF.
However what stunned you the most, was his eyes. Blue on the right and yellow on the left. They looked real.

"I'm Steluta by the way.." He said calmly. You just stared at him.

"Um.." He said nervously.

"Sorry, nice eye contacts though."

"Thanks but..not eye eyes are heterochromic."

"Really? I've never met anyone with eyes like that..ANYWAY, I'm (y/n)." You said
straightening your back.

"Nice to meet you~"

"Ditto, uh, why did you..hit me with a baseball bat?" At this, his face seemed to turn into a tomato and he lowered his hat over his face in embarrassment.

"I..I'm claustrophobic, and I tend to get all spazzy." He laughed, almost sinking into his outfit.

This pissed you off. "Why the..HELL would you come to a convention if you're claustrophobic?! You know that's kinda of the worst things to do, right!" You yelled over crowds of people talking, and getting kind of fed up with the noise. You grabbed his arm and dragged him off to a secluded area, him apologizing once or twice while you were dragging him.

When you turned to face him, he seemed to tower over you. Well..that's what it looked like from your point of view. " old are you?"


He was your age and he was taller. God dammit.

"Same.." You growled.

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