Chapter 8 - Urgency

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  Not that long after the ordeal you woke only to find yourself in an unfamiliar residence. It seemed like some sort of a beat up apartment but it could've just been your eyes adjusting if you really think about it considering it was dark. You attempted to move but couldn't and got really confused and began to panic as you realized two arms were wrapped around you, holding you securely. Fearing it was your attacker, you blinked a few times, taking slow breaths, you didn't want to wake whoever it was up so you managed to get one of your arms released and fumbled around for a lamp, hoping there was one close. Sure enough, there was one resting on a small table beside the couch the two of you were laying on so you carefully turned it on and what you saw made you explode with happiness and relief as it only turned out to be Wade. Your happiness, however, soon turned to worry and your face twisted into a panic state once again as you saw that he was bleeding from his right shoulder and to the left of his midsection. "Wade!" You yelled, hoping It'd wake him. He moved his head slightly and he mumbled something, too low for you to hear. "Wade!" You yelled again and he groaned "Hm..what?" He said quietly. "Mm..hold the tomato.." He mumbled and you raised an eyebrow. "WADE!!" You screamed closer to his ear and he jolted slightly. "WHAT, WHAT? HI YOU'RE AWAKE, ARE YOU OKAY?!" He yelled back and you cringed slightly at his loudness.




"I DON'T KNOW, YOU STARTED IT!" The two of you yelled back and forth and you shook your head, he was obviously fine enough if he could act like this. "Calm down, why are you bleeding?" You asked and sat up on his lap, grunting in response to a pain in your side and felt around his wounds lightly. "Careful and earlier," His tone became a bit more serious and you looked up at him. "you don't remember?" He questioned and you paused. Remembered what? Your memory seemed to be a little foggy. "No...remember what?" You asked and he responded with a sigh. It looked as if even he didn't want to talk about it, yet he continued. "You got attacked by some dude. I'm not sure how long it lasted but I'm just glad I got there when I did or else.." His head moved slightly downward and your eyebrows knitted, still not understanding something. "That doesn't explain why you're bleeding." He looked back up at this and his head tilted to the side slightly. "The douchebag shot me once as soon as he saw me, I guess he doesn't like handsome guys in tight red and black spandex-" He laughed slightly and your eyes narrowed. "He shot me again after I kicked him and so the police should be cleaning up a body full of bullet holes right about now!" He laughed again and turned his head. "No, that's not my job-" At this, your mouth went into a straight line and he turned his head the other way. "Was I talking to you? No. Shut up-"



You just stared at him and started laughing. "What?" He asked, confused. "Nothing, it's nothing." You then attempted to get into a more comfortable position when your side started hurting again, it felt something like a knife going through you and it caused you to make a weird face and groan. "Owow.." Deadpool immediately shifted, picking you up carefully and letting you sit down on the couch more comfortably. "Are you okay? Do you need anything? Do you need to go to the hospital?" He questioned quickly and you stared at him, deadpanned. "You're not bringing me to the hospital dressed like that. Honestly...I think you'd get arrested just for bringing me in." You chuckled slightly, but in all seriousness, it was true. He stared at you, or at seemed like it, you couldn't really tell because of his mask. "I'm fine Wade." You said smiling, you've dealt with a broken rib before and it didn't feel like what it felt like now so you assumed you were good to go. "Are you?" He added lowly "Why were you even out there anyway?" He asked and your smile faded. "I..was worried about you." You said, pushing your mouth off to the side ( :T ). "Worried? About me? You can't be serious, right?" He said in a partly serious tone which was making you feel a bit hurt. He raised up his hands and his fingers dug under the neck of his costume, stretching it down and over, giving view to multiple scars layered over his neck and upper chest and stopped to where one of his bullet wounds was..or used to be, there was nothing there, just dried up blood. "I know you can heal." You said and he immediately responded. "Then why were you worried? Are you sure it's not anything else?" Your gaze cast downward and you stared at the floor, not answering him. Could you really tell him how you thought he might've been cheating? 'Oh, I just wanted to make sure you weren't with anyone else. It's definitely not a big deal even though I practically risked my life doing it.' Pfft yeah okay, let's go with that. Yeah, no.

"Where are we?" You piped back up, avoiding the question. In response, he paused before replacing his clothing back to where it was as he stood, back to you. "One, it's not abandoned if that's what you were thinking. And two, I ended up bringing you to the closest motel I could find. The guy at the desk kinda freaked out when he saw me and when I asked for a room he ended up just standing there so I just reached over and grabbed a random key and boom we're here." He finished making different hand motions and then turned back to you. Looking around, you spotted a faint outline of a light switch, close to where it looked like the door was and you carefully got up, being mindful of your own wounds and walked over, flipping it. The rest of the room lit up, although the lights were fairly dim but you accepted it. Motels aren't the most luxurious after all. The room was fairly plain, the couch, the small table with the other lamp, a small kitchen that was connected and a small bed at the other side of the room. The colors were...dull. A lot of greys and whites. "You know.." Wade started out of nowhere as he started towards you. "You could've easily been killed, you know that right?" He said as his hands were brought up to rest upon your shoulders. "I know..can you just..just drop it okay?" You mumbled, shrugging his hands off which just caused him to grab ahold of your chin with his thumb and index finger, he easily made you look up at him. "I can't. I really can't, why can't you just tell me the real reason why you were out there?" He asked and you closed your eyes, sighing and with a really quiet mumble you said "I thought you were with someone else.." "What?" "I thought you were with someone else, okay?!" You growled, yanking your head backwards and out of his grasp, you took a step backwards and your eyes started tearing up. You wanted to look into his eyes so badly, it hurt that you weren't able to tell his expression right now. It's been how long since you two started dating? Yet he still hasn't shown you his face, not once. Did he still feel uncomfortable around you..? Or did he just not trust you? "Can you just take off your mask? I want to be able to have eye contact with you, honestly it's just really bothering me that we've been together for how long and you still can't even show me your face."

"Since when did this become about my face?" He said with slight attitude which just ended up getting you slightly angry.

"It didn't, I just want to have a decent conversation with you, I feel like I'm just talking to the mask and not you." You paused for a moment before continuing. "And no need to get pissy over it either." You said with the same attitude he gave you. His hands fell to his sides before he brought them both up to his head, holding it before throwing them outwards in a 'you've got to be kidding me' motion. "I AM having a decent conversation with you, or at least I'm TRYING to. And you know what? I AM going to get pissy over it because one, it's more than just a petty little mask, two I'm being accused of cheating on yo-"

"I AM NOT ACCUSING YOU!" You yelled, interrupting him, how dare he.

"IT SURE SOUNDS LIKE IT!" He yelled back which caused you to flinch. "This conversation is going nowhere." You huffed as you turned around and opened the front door. "This isn't even a conversation anymore." He grunted and then noticed you opening the door, this caused him to step over, reach his arm above your head and slam the door shut in front of you, his head tilted down at you. "Where are you even going?"

"Home." You said with a sour face, looking down once again. Although he still had a mask on, you could feel his eyes burning into you. "Yeah, and do you know where that is from here?" He asked, leaning forward. At this, your mouth tilted upward in an attempt at scowl as you lightly pushed him off to the side and walked to the bed, grabbing the small phone that was next to it and dialed your home number.

"Hello?" Your mother picked up with a hurried tone. "Mom?" You responded and you could hear her sigh from the other end. "My god, you almost gave me a heart attack I was so worried. I had called your phone but then I saw it on your bed."

"Yeah, I know. I should really make sure I have that with me when I'm running out the door. But ya'know I was in a hurry, panicking myself." You made sure to say the last part a little more loudly and you could hear Wade make a 'tch' sound followed by footsteps and the sound of a slamming door at the other end of the apartment, to which you assumed to be the bathroom. "Can you come and pick me up by any chance?" You asked her, on the verge of crying. "What was that slam? And where are you?" She asked and you could hear her pick up keys. "That was just.." You sighed and gulped. "My..uh..boyfriend.." You could practically hear her smile on the other end. "(F/n)?" She asked and you grew really confused. "You knew?" "Yeah. So does your father, we have our sources. Plus, one does not simply pay no attention to how often you have him over." You smiled slightly but then it fell back into a frown again as you leaned over and looked at a card that was on top of the bed. "Well, I think he's going to be over a lot less actually..and it's apartment 203 at Bluebird Motel.." The other end went silent for a few moments before your mother spoke up again. "I'm on my way hun, we'll talk in the car. Love you." She said before hanging up. You sniffed and brought your arm up to your face, wiping your eyes on the sleeve of your (f/c) jacket and hung up the phone, you then took away your arm only to find wet stains on it.

You were crying?  

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