Chapter 7.5 - Knight in Red and Black

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  Note: I'd like to add that it took a lot of strength to write even this considering I've never written something like it and shared it with the public to view ^//^


'Okay okay. Calm down (Y/n) you'll get through this.' You thought to yourself as you quickened your pace. Your head turned ever so slightly to the side to see if the figure really was following you and sure enough, it was. 'Relax, maybe they're just going in the same direction as you. Maybe they're home is down here? Yeah.' You smiled to yourself as you slowed your pace, maybe you're just paranoid. Not everyone that follows you is a stalker. Sighing, you began to walk at your normal pace and you turned your head back to look in front of you when you heard quickened steps coming from behind you. Your head whipped back around to see that figure now running towards you. "Shit!" You spoke out loud as you began to run. 'Wade, where the hell are you?!' You screamed in your head as you were chased at a quick rate. You turned your head once again only to find that your pursuer was catching up to Tears began to form in your eyes at the thought of being captured. What would happen to you? You didn't have your wallet on you so the person wouldn't be able to really take anything from you except your life or...Your eyes widened and you shook your head violently at even the thought of it and you ran faster.

'OKAY! (y/n)! Just think! Where to go if you're being chased.' Looking around, you only spotted alleyways an apartments, what if you tried banging on someone's door? Possibly they'd let you in, or not even answer, also could you really trust a stranger? Maybe it's worth a shot. Besides, would you really want to dart off into a random alley? What if it had a dead end? Growling to yourself, you decided to try your first option as you turned off, running up to the steps of some random apartment and started to bang frantically on the door. "HELLO?! SOMEONE, ANYONE?! PLEASE!" You screamed and no one answered and you started crying "PLEASE!" Your gaze darted back down the street and you saw the person quickly closing in on you so you decided to start running again. "WADE!" You yelled, trying to call out to him once again but with no response. "Someone..!" As you ran faster, your legs started to burn and you looked around once again, only to spot more alleys, you needed to rest so bad, your legs were starting to give out. "C'mon!" You whined and spotted an alleyway that looked as if it was an entrance to another street. There was definitely some sort of light at the end so you decided to take the chance and cut into it. 'Please please please!' You begged internally but only to have your hopes shattered as you slowed down, coming face to face with the wall of a building, a small light hung above. "Dammit!!" You cursed, banging a fist on the wall and you tried your best to back into the corner, basically hoping to phase through it so you didn't have to go through whatever was about to happen. "Wade where the fuck are you?" You cried, covering your mouth as you heard the footsteps come closer to the alleyway's opening.

Tears ran violently down your face as you saw whoever it was enter the alley and walk towards you. "Hello there." They cooed, it had sounded male and it was a voice you hadn't recognized. Deep down, you hoped that it was just someone you knew making a voice and they were playing a cruel trick on you. However, once he neared, his face was of no one you knew well and that shattered you even more. "P..please." You said, trying to back up more, only to have your feet slide in place against the pavement. "I h-have nothing to give you! Just leave me alone!" You yelled quietly, your lungs burning as well from running a long distance, you breathed heavily in fear. As he neared even more, you were able to make out his face fairly well now, and he didn't look at all like a typical movie villain. He was actually quite handsome, short black hair, blue eyes, a clean shaven face and tight features. You've seen this guy before, you just know it... On the streets maybe? No. A store worker possibly? Yeah. Yeah, you've seen him working in the little flower shop on 5th street. Every time you walked by that place he's stared at you. Of course you had thought that it was creepy but you remember just brushing it off every time because you never went in that place. Your eyes widened and scrunched up tightly as you cried more, as a kid you never thought something like this would ever happen to you, you always thought that wherever you were, nothing bad would happen, that it only happened to others. But not you. You had such a strong belief in it that you never cared about wandering the streets at night, you never cared about going places alone. You always thought that nothing would ever happen to you. But here you were, bracing for exactly something like that.

You flinched and open your eyes slightly as he slammed his hand on the wall next to your face, your own hand still covered your mouth as you looked up, only to see his face inches away from your own. He quietly raised his other arm, grabbing yours and pulling your hand away from your face. "You're so much cuter up close, you know that?" He spoke, his hot breath hitting your face. You brought your other arm up and to his chest as you tried your best to push him away from you, but he was strong. Also combining with the fact that you felt weak from running so much. He noticed this and grabbed that arm as well, pinning you to the wall and you struggled. "Please, I don't have any money, I swear! I don't have anything to give to you!" You repeated, the tears falling harder. He just stared at you and smirked "Oh..but you do have something to give to me." He said in a deep tone and your (e/c) eyes widened and you cried harder. He didn't all of a sudden his lips collided with yours and you attempted to shake your head to get him away but to no avail. He began to forcefully shove his tongue into your mouth and you nearly gagged at the taste of alcohol that rested on your taste buds. "S-Stop!" You whined as he parted from you to take a breath. "And risk losing a cutie like you? Do you honestly think I would just walk away and avoid this chance? Tch, please." He said as he grinding against you and your breath hitched. Your arms fought against his grip once again which unfortunately just led to him tightening it. "I-I said stop!" You growled, attempting to knee him in his groin, however he stopped you from doing so as he used his own legs to block it. "A feisty little one, huh?" He questioned, bringing both of your arms above your head and used one hand to hold your wrists together. He used his free hand to lift up your jacket and shirt, you shuddered as you felt his cold hands run up and down your sides and you blushed, trying again to free yourself with no luck. He then rammed his lips against yours again "Mmph-" This time, your refused to open your mouth which caused him to growl, displeased with your actions so he decided to pinch your side, causing you to open your mouth and let his tongue in. So. You did what you should have done the first time, and that was to bite down. Hard.

He attempted to scream and pull away from you, which drew blood. He finally managed to get away after a few minutes of struggling. "You little brat!" He yelled as he let you go, bringing one hand to cover his mouth. You saw this as your chance when he backed up a bit and went to run pass him but he managed to catch you as he used his other hand, bringing his arm back and releasing it full force into your stomach causing you to fall back onto the ground. With the wind knocked out of you, your arm brought itself up to clutch onto your stomach, breathing heavily. "Maybe you'll learn if I beat some sense into you!" He hissed as he kicked you in the same place, you coughed violently as he did it again and again, eventually causing you to cough up blood. Laying there limp, you blinked a few times weakly and looked straight ahead. Your vision started to blur as you heard rushing footsteps and saw a figure clad in black and red running towards the two of you, an arm raised and the sound of a gunshot could be heard, followed by a multitude of several more as well as a string of curse words.
Your vision went black as you felt strong arms wrap protectively around you.

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