twenty one

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Chapter Twenty One
Wednesday Afternoon

Collin's P.O.V

After I shut the door, I rested my head against it, unpacking all of the shit that just happened. It's getting harder to keep up this facade in front of everyone, especially Jennifer. She makes me act out of my character, and I can't understand the reason. I mean, she doesn't even care about me like that, and yet here I was, putting on all of these different faces to get reactions out of her.

The entire situation with Elise was purely about getting back at Jenn, who wouldn't be able to put two and two together?

I just regret ever asking her out, not because I got rejected, but because I made things weird between us. Then, I had to go and fuck some random girl, which probably only proved every negative trait everyone has attached to my persona.

"Sorry to interrupt ... whatever this is, but- wait, you okay dude?" Mark asked, pointing a finger at me casually with furrowed eyebrows. We never engaged in heart-to-heart talks, so I wasn't expecting my big brother to ask me about how I was doing.

I turned around to face him completely. "Yes, I'm fine, what did you want to ask me?"

 "Yes, I'm fine, what did you want to ask me?"

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"No, that girl on the porch ... is she the one who's got you all choked up like this?" He asked.

"She means nothing, okay? She's just a friend of a friend." I lied ... my fucking ass off.

"Nah it's more than that, trust me, I can tell. She's got you whipped but you just don't want to admit that shit for whatever reason."

"Bro shut the hell up, we aren't going together."

"WE?! Oh, ok you speak French now? I didn't know you were at that stage of whip-acy."

I pushed past him and entered the living room, trying to get away from him and this conversation. He followed me unfortunately, and even sat across from me on the opposite couch.

"I'm not fucking whipped." I deny one more time, which ended the conversation.


Thursday Morning

I was currently outside of the school, sitting with my usual guy friends. We didn't really have much to talk about, simply because there was an awkward feeling blowing around us. I'm not sure what it was from, but I do have a feeling that it's because everyone found out why I was acting so weird yesterday. Obviously nobody wanted to speak on it, so they decided to not say anything at all.

"Mateo, do you like ... have a girlfriend?" Leon asked out of the blue, which caught all of our attention. I let out a deep breath, letting it be known how uninterested I was in this topic.

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