Welcome to the Competition[Chapter 32]

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Eli had Clare and myself walk around to the back of his house. Him and Adam walked through the front door. It was getting to be that time of year when it was really cold at night. I was shivering in my costume. A window opened and Eli stuck his head out. He waved us over and I gave Clare a boost up and through the window. Eli then pulled me through.

"Want something to change into?" Eli asked me.

"Please," I nodded. As he walked to his dresser he looked at Clare.

She shook her head saying, "I have a tank top and shorts on under this."

Eli handed me a black t-shirt and a pair of blue plaid PJ pants. I pulled the pants on while I was still in my outfit. Eli looked at me then shot a look to Adam. They both turned around so they weren't facing me.

"Clare can you untie the back?" I ask and she does. I hold the front of the dress to me then pull on Eli's shirt over the dress. I slide my body out of the dress and sigh. "The one day I don't have a bra on," I say folding my arms across my chest.

Eli turned back around and sat on the edge of his bed, I copied him. He put his arm around me and I rested my head against him. "Are you alright Emi?" he asked softly.

"I don't even know. My dad is going to hate me now. Did you see how he looked at me when I said I was pansexual?" I say and close my eyes. I wanted to erase today.

"He will understand but he will be pissed off the next time you see him. I will admit it was bad walking out but I couldn't leave you alone. Everything will be okay," Eli cooed in my ear.

"He's right Emi. You just need to sleep it out," Adam smiled and sat down on the ground. Clare came over to me and sat next to me.

"We are all here for you. And trust me, I wouldn't have lied to my mom if I didn't care about you," Clare told me and smiled.

"Thank you," I say and she slides off the bed and sits on the ground next to Adam.

"Come on Emi, go to sleep. We'll all be here in the morning," Eli said kissing my forehead. He stood up and pulled the covers away from his bed. I looked up at him and stood up.

"I'll sleep on the floor," I say and he shakes his hand.

"No sleep in my bed. Both you and Clare," he says.

"How about her and you Eli," Clare said and shrugged. "She'll feel safer knowing you are lying next to her," she added. I half smiled and lay down.

Eli went to his closet and pulled out a few extra blankets for Adam and Clare. Before coming back to his bed he locked his door and shut off the light. When I felt him get into the bed and placed my hand over his arm.

"Thank you again Eli," I whisper and lean toward him and kiss him softly.

Welcome To The Competition [Degrassi FF]Where stories live. Discover now