Welcome to the Competition[Chapter 25]

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I reach a small house and shut off my car out front. I saw Eli's hearse parked in the driveway with the hood up. I took a deep breath as I walked but the driveway. I look toward Morty but there was no one near it. I then walked to the front door and knocked hard.

After a few seconds an older women opened the door. "Can I help you?" she asked.

"I'm looking for Eli Goldsworthy. I was told he lives here," I say trying to sound polite.

"What has he done?" the lady sternly asked me.

"Nothing. He has just not been in school all week and I was worried about him." I tell her.

She looked me up and down and sighed. "I will go get him," she said and left.

I turned around and looked toward the street. I really hoped that Eli was fine. I knew that he was not sick and that something bothered him a lot that night he was over with Adam and Clare. I waited for a while just standing outside alone. I pictured him telling that lady he didn't want to see me and hated me. I really hoped he didn't hate me already.

"Why are you here?" His voice sent a chill down my spine. I turned around to look at him. He had on skinny jeans but no shirt and his hair was dripping wet. My guess was he just got out of the shower.

"To make sure you are alright. Did I do something wrong when you were over? I thought we all were having a good time," I mutter and he looks away from me and at Morty. "Not seeing you in school all week and then you ignoring my calls and text made me really worried," I add trying to get him to look at me.

"Oh and you weren't worried for Adam?" he snapped looking at me. What does he even mean by that?

"No because unlike you Adam has been in school all week and following through with our plan. Eli what is your problem please just tell me," I beg and he stares into my eyes and steps closer to me.

"You are my problem," he spat and went to go back into his house. I grabbed his arm making him stop and look at me again.

"Eli," I warn and pull him toward me. "Once Adam said that you liked me you changed. I don't care if you like me. Frankly I don't care if you like me as just a friend or are in love with me. I just don't want you to hate me. Please just talk to me," I beg him. I was ready to start begging him on my knees.

"Why do you care what I think about you?" he said pulling his arm away forcefully.

"Because you made Degrassi feel like home to me on my first day here," I tell him and he looks at the ground for a minute then back up at me.

"I'm not the great guy you think I am," he mutters.

"You make me smile and laugh. You make me feel welcome and you are the only guy I don't mind hitting on me. You always seem to make sure I am okay and I can be myself with you. I like how we can just joke around and I like how we just will randomly kiss each other because I am a girl and I feel like your lips were made for mine," I tell him and I should feel awkward for letting this all out but I felt confident.

"I will only hurt you Emilia," whenever he said my name I knew something was wrong.

"I'm not asking you to marry me or even date me for that matter. I just want you to be my friend," I say and he takes hold of my hand.

"Come with me," he said and pulled me to Morty. He opened the passenger side door for me then shut the hood. When he came in through the driver side he reached in back for a shirt and pulled it on. He looked at me as he started the car and placed his hands firmly on the wheel. "I am going to take you somewhere and I will understand if you don't want to see me after. I have a dark past," he tells me and then pulls out of his driveway.

"Everyone has a past that they are not fond of," I confirm.

"Not like mine," he grumbles.

Welcome To The Competition [Degrassi FF]Where stories live. Discover now