Welcome to the Competition[Chapter 2]

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Most, if not all, of the students were already in their seats. I'm not sure if I can really call them sits because they are exercise balls. [i]What kind of school am I in?[/i] I looked around the room for a teacher but I couldn't spot one. A girl walked by me and I tapped her arm.

"Hi. Uh I'm new. Do you know where Ms. O is?" I ask and she smiles.

"That would be me. You must be Emilia-Rose Blackburn," She happily said and placed her hand on my shoulder. She looked around just as the second bell rang. She cleared her throat and everyone put attention to us. "Class this is a new student," Ms. O said then looked at me giving me a nudge.

"Hi. I'm Emilia-Rose Blackburn and I'm from the UK," I say and a few guys wolf-whistled. I felt uncomfortable and looked at the ground.

"Emilia-Rose you can take a sit next to...Clare. She is the young lady with the short curly hair," Ms. O smiled. I looked around and spotted the only girl in the room with that description. She was the girl from at my locker.

I walked over to her and sat down on a green exercise ball. She looked at me and smiled before looking at her computer screen.

"Umm, Clare. Is Eli okay?" I ask her softly. The girl next to her put on a smirk before giggling under her breath.

Clare looked at the girl and pushed her arm lightly before looking over to me. "Yeah. He's fine. No damage done," she said.

I nodded then looked at my computer. For the rest of the class I kept quiet and paid attention to what we were supposed to be doing. Ms. O stopped teaching a few minutes before the class ended. Clare was talking with the girl next to her, and I was left sitting silently.

"Watch how it's done," I over heard someone say, they seemed to be close to me.

"Excuse me miss?" someone said and tapped me on the back. I turned my body completely around to see a dark skinned boy stare down at me.

"Yes?" I ask him.

"I'm Dave. If you need any help with anything don't be afraid to tell me. I can show you a great time if you need one too," he smiled and crossed his arms across his chest.

"Well thank you but I think I'll be fine on my own. I'm a smart girl," I smile and stand up. The bells rings and I gaze over at the clock.

"Emilia!" a familiar voice shrieks. I look to the door and Fiona was standing there waving at me happily.

"See you around Dave. I'll keep in mind your offer but for now I need to catch up with Fiona," I smirk and walk out of the class quickly.

Fiona hugs me tightly and shrieks. "Ah, Emi! I miss you," she says and loops her arm with mine.

"I miss you too Fifi," I giggle and walk down the hall with her.

I was so happy to finally see her. Finally someone I could talk to and not feel awkward. We caught up with each other as we walked to our next class. Luckily our classes where next door to each other. For me music and for her fashion.

"I have science after this then lunch. Meet me outside for lunch," Fiona smiles and kisses my cheek before heading into her class.

Music went by quickly and so did my class after that which was World History. When lunch came I had no idea on where to go. I followed pretty much everyone else till I got to a lunch room.

Welcome To The Competition [Degrassi FF]Where stories live. Discover now