Welcome to the Competition[Chapter 15]

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Computer was the class after lunch today and I felt rude for ignoring Clare. She was a really nice person and I felt horrible for dropping the plans for Friday. I felt even more horrible when I realized today was Friday.

"Emilia," I heard someone next to me say and I turned and not only was Clare looking at me but Alli.

"Alli," I murmured and she leaned closer to me making Clare have to lean back.

"Stay away from Drew. He's my boyfriend. You already stole Eli from Clare," she told me and then straightened herself out.

"Drew isn't my type and I do not steal other people's boyfriends. And I didn't steal Eli from Clare, he came on to me. I'm not even friends with him. Or really anyone for that matter," I say and look and Clare finally and give an apologetic smile.

"Then why did you and Eli kiss in the hall. With Clare standing right there," Alli asked folding her arms across her chest.

"I was being called a lesbian and Eli was helping me. He leaned to me and pressed his lips to mine. I didn't jump onto him. He came to me. And for one thing Clare isn't dating Eli. I would never do anything to hurt her. She is an amazing person," I say and look away from Alli.

"Thank you," Clare mutters making me smile.

The bell rang and when I stood up I looked back at Alli. "Clare is a big girl. If she wants to say something to me she can. Don't make a fool of yourself. And if I wanted Drew it wouldn't be all that hard to get him," I smile then walk out of the class room.

I walk down the hallway heading to English class, which I was not looking forward to. I didn't think I could face either Clare or Eli.

"Emilia-Rose!" I heard my name called but I couldn't think of who the voice was from so I stopped and turned around. I saw Sav smiling and he sprinted over to me. "Hey. Peter's club is having an open-mic night today. You should really come. You don't have to do an original song but it would be pandemic if you performed." He says and hands me a lime green flyer. I looked down at it.

"I don't know," I shrug looking back up at him.

"Come on. Don't be shy. Do a song that you can really express how your feeling," Sav happily said. I knew he badly wanted to see me perform. I thought about a song I could do and had a light bulb go off in my head.

"I have a song in mind. Are there amps, or should I bring my own?" I ask actually liking the idea of performing in front of a crowd.

"There are plenty of amps just bring whatever instrument you need besides a microphone," Sav confirmed me.

"Alright, I'll show up and perform," I agree and Sav jumps up in the air.

"Awesome. Come around 5:30 so you can sound check before the place opens. I'll tell Peter you are performing," Sav patted my arm then walked away. I smiled to myself and walked the rest of the way to English in an extremely good mood.

Welcome To The Competition [Degrassi FF]Where stories live. Discover now