Welcome to the Competition[Chapter 30]

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When we got there, there were already many students and even families. Every student I saw was in a costume. I even saw one boy dressed as a banana. I looked around for the boys. I texted them and told them to meet us at the big Ferris wheel.

We spotted two boys in suits with their back toward us looking up at the Ferris wheel. Once we reached them I put my hands on both their backs.

"Hello boys," I giggle and when they turn around my jaw drops. "Oh no," I groan looking them up and down. "The costumes must have got messed up. Eli that's Adam's and Adam you have on Eli's," I mumble. "It's ruined now. Eli you match me instead of Clare and Adam matches Clare, ugh!" I get annoyed and Eli rubs my arm.

"Don't freak its okay. I still match Clare. Her outfit has purple. Anyway no one will notice," he smiled.

I nod my head then take Adam's hand. "Alright let's have some fun," I say and smile.

"It looks great," Adam comments and I look at him smiling.

"Thanks," I say happily.

We rode a few rides and had some food. Adam and Clare both went off together to play a few games. Eli and I went to a dart throwing game and he did amazing. He ended up winning a white teddy bear with a red bow.

"Here," he smiled and handed it to me.

I blushed and took it smiling. "Thanks, that's really nice of you," I tell him.

We then headed to the Ferris wheel. We started off sitting across from each other but not too long after it started he sat on the side of me. "Thanks for the costume," he told me and placed his hand on my thigh.

"You're welcome," I smile. The Ferris wheel stops and we are the second to the top. We look down to see the man operating the machine panicking.

I could just make out him saying, "It's stuck!"

I looked at Eli and then hugged my bear. "It will be alright Claude. We'll get down," I said making Eli laugh.

"Claude?" he questioned.

"I am a fan of the play hair," I giggle.

"Well do you think Claude will mind me kissing you?" Eli asked. I looked at him and shook my head.

He slowly leaned toward me and met my lips with his. I closed my eyes and wrapped my arms around his neck. He held me closely to him as we kissed. It was so natural with him. It felt right.

The Ferris wheel started to move and I pulled away looking into his eyes. "Maybe we should get Adam to dump me tonight," I say and Eli responded with kissing me quickly.

When we got off he walked around the carnival passing a stage. Sav played DJ and was set up on the stage. He was a really cool guy I must admit.

"Oh everyone we have an announcement. Kind of random but whatever," Sav said. I couldn't help but stop walking and look up to him. Bianca and Fitz were standing on the stage.

"Hi. First I think we all should give a hand to the new girl for arranging this," Bianca smirked and started to clap.

"Yeah well as amazing as she must seem to you all she really is not that great," Fitz said and Sav looked at him.

"Whoa man," Sav commented and Fitz ignored him.

"You all know she is dating that freak, Adam" Fitz laughed when he said this.

"Dude stop," Sav said but Fitz pushed him away.

"Yeah but it seems like Adam can't satisfy her," Bianca said and the next thing that happened was Fitz held up a huge poster. I focused on it and it was a picture of Eli and I in the park kissing. My heart stopped. "Looks like the new girl is a cheater," Bianca commented and held up a different poster. It was a picture taken of Eli kissing me on the Ferris wheel. I looked at Eli nervously then back up at the stage just as Fitz's friend Owen gets on it.

Welcome To The Competition [Degrassi FF]Where stories live. Discover now