Welcome to the Competition[Chapter 21]

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I had my body wrapped up in my white down comforter. It was so comfortable just lying in bed. It felt nice to actually sleep unlike the other night. I felt like I could lie here all day and not move. I was too comfortable right now.

I opened my eyes as I heard a knock on my door. "Come in" I groan and look toward the door. My dad stepped into my room holding a try with pancakes on it and an orange juice. I push myself up so I was sitting and have a smile spread across my face. "Thanks dad," I happily say as he sets the tray down on my lap.

He sits on the edge of my bed and looks at me. "As I was making you breakfast someone rang the doorbell. Well when I answered there was very clean cut boy standing there and a bouquet of flowers," he said and looked into my eyes. "Emilia are you seeing Declan Coyne again?"

"What? No I saw him last night at the club but he lives in New York. He's just visiting Fiona here for the weekend," I tell him and my dad sighs standing up.

"I will trust you on this," he said and walked to my door. I looked at the door and Declan came into my room holding a bouquet of red roses.

"Good morning Emilia," Declan smiled and walked over to me handing me the roses.

"Declan why are you here?" I ask him taking the roses and set them down on my night stand.

"I wanted to see you and apologize for last night. I was hoping maybe we could reconnect," he smiles and I stare at him putting the tray that was on my lap next to me on my bed.

"Reconnect how?" I ask him having an idea in mind already.

He took both my hands in his and stared deep into my eyes. "I want to pick up where we left off once I left England," I told him and I pulled my hands away.

"Declan you should leave," I say and look away from him.

"You're dating that kid aren't you? So he's my competition?" Declan stood up.

"I'm not dating Eli I just don't want to date again Declan. You and Holly J just ended and you live in New York. I'm sorry. I just want to be friends with you," I say and he groans throwing his head back. He gave me one last look then stormed out of my bedroom.

I picked up my phone and texted Eli.

:Me: Add Declan Coyne to the list of people who think we are dating. He showed up at my house with roses and ask me to be his girlfriend. When I said no he said "you're dating that kid aren't you. He's my competition." Wow. School is going to be great Monday when I walk in holding hands with Adam!

I set my phone back down and placed the tray on my lap. I loved my dad's cooking, I was lucky enough to inherit that trait. After a few minutes Eli replied.

:Mystery: Competition? I've never really been someone's competition before. Now I'm even more committed to winning you over.

:Me: What would you do if I said you already did?

:Mystery: Show up at your house with roses, ha-ha.

:Me: Wow you are such a softy. A true romantic.

:Mystery: Well I better let you go get ready for your rich friend Fiona.

:Me: Way to make it sound like a bad thing.

I sent the text then finished eating. Once done I brought the tray down to the kitchen and washed all that needed to be washed. I guessed my dad was in his office since we was not in the kitchen or living room.

When I got back of stairs I washed up and got dressed into a black skirt and a purple baby doll top. I pulled on black flats and grabbed a bag to put clothes in. I put blue and black paisley shorts and a black v-neck shirt into the bag. That would be my PJ's and the comfy outfit Fiona asked for. I then packed faded black jean cut offs, a white t-shirt and a black with white polkadots bikini that had a teal bow in the middle of the chest and a teal strap.

I lastly put black sandals in the bag. I heard a car horn beep and my phone started to vibrate and fell of my night stand I picked it up to see a text.

:Fiona: Your chariot has arrived my dearest Emi.

I smile at the text and look out m window seeing a Limo in my driveway. You would think this would surprise me but it didn't at all. Fiona was princess.

When I got in the Limo I noticed Holly J and Anya were already picked up. I said hello to them and the Limo headed to Fiona's condo.

"Fiona we need to talk," I say and she looks at me and smiles.

"What about?" she questions.

"Declan," I groan and throw my head back. "He showed up at my house this morning with a bouquet of roses. He asked me to be his girlfriend again. When I told him I wanted to be friends he thought I only said no because I was dating Eli and that he was his competition," I sigh and roll my eyes.

"You're dating Eli?" Fiona asked me surprised. It was like that was the only thing she caught from what I said.

"No but everyone thinks I am. I told you yesterday that I wasn't dating him. Just friends. But that doesn't matter, what matters is Declan asking me out. Why would he do that?" I mutter and look at Holly J.

"He probably wants to get back at me since I'm dating Sav now. Just ignore him and don't let him give you any shit," Holly J smiles and pats my knee.

When we got back to Fiona's house she had us dress into our comfy clothes. We ate lots of different sweet treats, got massages, manicures and pedicures, and even a facial. She had really planned the best girl's night in. I wasn't shocked though. Fiona knew how to treat guests and she does a damn good job at it.

The next day I didn't leave her house till three in the afternoon. I got dressed and then left. Before going home I stopped at dot to pick up something sweet to eat later.

Welcome To The Competition [Degrassi FF]Where stories live. Discover now