Chapter 1- "Only for you babe!"

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(y/n) = Your name
(f/c) = Favorite color
(e/c) = Eye color
(h/c) = Hair color
You = 17 Years old

It was finally nighttime, ah silence.

Thank god.

Your wonderful family was insane and just had to be on the move every single day, whether it was formal events, or special ‘family planned vacations (that no one told you about). It was exhausting. 
You ran and literally jumped into your plushy bed face first. You groaned and hugged your (f/c) blanket tight against your chest, breathing in the fresh scent of lilacs. Your (e/c) orbs fluttered shut, mind ready to fall into a sweet and calm slumber.

That’s when you heard it, your painfully annoying little sibling screaming at the top of her lungs.

“I DON’T WANT TO GO TO BEDDD!” Caitlyn screamed outside of your room. The little blonde hated to go to sleep, she was never really a fan of relaxing, the little twit was always energetic.

The complete opposite of you, and sometimes you wondered if she was even related to you..

“Oh my god, shut up.” A low voice spat teasingly. Kayden. Your supposedly more mature older friend by 2 years. When really, he was the ring leader in horse play. The door handle clicked and creaked open, signaling Kayden’s entrance into your room.

“You have your own room, for god’s sake you have your own house, get out.” You groaned, pulling the blanket over your head. It was 8:00 at night, your family, including Kayden, had been out all day walking non-stop, and you just wanted sleep.

“Noo.” He replied, climbing onto your bed and sprawling himself out like he owned it, one of his arms draping over you. “Kayden.” You hissed. “Get out or so help me.” 

“Let me stay overrr, I don’t want to go homee.” He whined, and you could feel his blue eyes shooting daggers at the back of your head.

“Kayden.” You warned.




“For god’s sake, you have a problem.”

“I know. Let me stay over.” He then proceeded to jab at your lower back with his pointer finger. 
“Ugh, fine.” You groaned. You didn’t really have to ask your parents if he could stay over since he was like a part of the family, plus..he did what he wanted anyway.

“Yaayyy. Can I play your Xboxxxx?” You snickered and waved your hand, signaling him to do whatever. He even had his own account on it…
The poor guy didn’t have any game systems at home because he wasn’t allowed to have any, his parents were quite strict…

He squeaked and rolled off the bed, darting over to the TV in the corner of your small room, turning it and the Xbox on. You could hear the sound of a game being plopped in and the tray closing, after a few minutes the sound of your Deapool game’s menu screen music. 

You smirked and rolled over, facing the TV and pulled the blanket off your head, Kayden’s chocolate brown hair was illuminated by the bright light of the electronic in the dark room. Deadpool was one of your favorite people in the animated world and you had his game, two T-Shirts, and a few wristbands of him. The part that you were mostly a fan about was his personality, you found it amusing yet annoying at the same time. You were never the kind of person to judge someone, and you found the personality of a person the most wonderful part about them.

You rolled back over and let your eyes shut again, and about 15 minutes into the gameplay, Kayden growled. “(y/n), your stupid game is broken.” At this, your (e/c) eyes snapped open and you jumped from your bed, heading towards the sitting brown head and TV. “First of all, it’s not stupid.” True, you claimed it as one of your most prized possessions. “And how is it broken, what’s wrong?” You looked up to the TV and saw a perfectly normal game scenario.

Deadpool talking with cable.

“I can’t move him.” Kayden spoke, eyes fully focused at the screen.

“That’s because you’re in the middle of a cutscene you idiot.” Groaning in annoyance, you sat next to Kayden waiting for the scene to pass.

“No..I’m not talking about the cutscene, it was before this, I couldn’t move him at all, not fight, not teleport, nothing. It only let’s me pause.”

Your eyebrows furrowed curiously at this.



The cutscene passed and Kayden wiggled the knob on the controller around, signaling for Deadpool to move. He didn’t.
Kay then proceeded to smash the buttons, still nothing. Shoot his gun? Nope. 

He then pressed the pause
button and the game paused.

“It was working fine for me last night..” You said, mouth forming into a straight line. Snatching the controller from your best friend, you unpaused it and moved the knob.

Deadpool moved.

You cautiously pressed each button to make sure they were working correctly.

They all were.

Your face twisted into a look of utter confusion, and you slowly turned your head to look at Kayden, who had his ocean blue eyes glued to the screen, his mouth agape. He took the controller from you and did the same.


You then snatched it back, it worked fine. Why was it only working for you?

You snorted and walked Deadpool around for a bit, just wandering. That’s when he stopped, frozen. He turned his body to face the screen. 

“Only for you babe!” He purred.

Both your eyes and Kay’s widened in shock.

Talk about breaking the fourth wall.

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