Chapter 26

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Don't Want it Back-Sabrina Carpenter

Ocean Eyes-Bille Eilish (Astronomyy Edit)

Caroline POV

I wake peacefully the next morning. I still can't believe what has happened.


Klaus happened.

I knew eventually I would say it, but I wouldn't think it would be this soon

I get out of bed quickly and throw on a pair of dark skinny jeans along with a navy blue sweater. I slip on a pair of my favorite dark brown ankle boots and I am out the door in a rush. Since Claire is staying with the Michelson's mansion Klaus and I meet each other in our favorite place in Mystic Falls. Claire is very, very annoying, she always has to bud in at the most important times.



"Yes Klaus."

"I....I thought..."

"Oh my god you have got to be kidding me!?"

"Why what a lovely surprise...Claire." I said through clenched teeth.

"You took my hair brush!" She accused.

"Seriously you think I would take your hair brush! I don't ever want to touch anything you own! I rather burn my hand off!" I shouted. I had have enough. Every single time Klaus and I are having a moment she has to interrupt.

"Why I should-" Claire started.

"Claire!" I heard a familiar voice shout down the hall. I see Rebekah appear in the guest room doorway holding a hair brush. "Sorry I stole your hair brush...I thought it was mine." Rebekah said noticing the tension in the room. I give Claire a 'see!" look and she just flips her hair and walks out, but not before she snatches her comb out of Rebekah's hand. "What's her bloody problem?" Rebekah asked us.

***End of flashback***

"Love." I quickly turn around. I look at him. I notice his face is blank. I wanted to smile, but his expression made me suppress it. He walks to me swiftly. "I have missed you."I smile running to him and I jump into his arms. He wraps his arms around me and I take in his musky scent. He always smells so good. I couldn't go a day with out him. He gently sets me down in front of him. "I swear you get more beautiful each time I see you. " He said. I smile and give him a soft kiss on the lips. "Penny for your thoughts?"

"Do you have a penny?" I smart back. He gives me a confused look knowing I am having an off day.

"Love tell me, whats on your mind?" He gives me a hopeful look. I sigh.

"I just am...I am...scared." I said.

"Caroline. It is okay. I will be here...always." He assured me but for some reason I felt it was too good to believe.

"It's not's.....I don't like us having to meet out here all the time. Of course it is amazing out here. The waterfall, the beautiful flowers, but I don't like how we just can't hang out at a normal house. And you know my mom's head would burst if she knew I was dating you." I said and I see Klaus look down and smile a little.

"I was going to wait, but might as well tell you now."

"Tell me what?" I asked and he looks at me and I realized I shouldn't of interrupted.

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