Chapter 24

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You Found Me-The Fray 

Caroline POV

"Klaus I don't know why I forgive you so easily. I don't know why I always keep running back to you. I don't know why you have this uncanny power over me. I don't know how you do this to me. When I am not with you I just want to scream and when I am with you I just want to scream. I don't know why every time I see you I just want to kiss you but all I know Klaus....Is that I love you." I finish.


"Don't speak." I say. "Klaus I love you. I am in love with you. That is all I know and that is all I need to know."I say. I didn't say it for him. I said it for me. I have been trying to denying it for so long, now the words just flew out of me, and I did not have enough time to shove them back into me. However, it felt so good.

I love Klaus Michelson.

I love Klaus Michelson.

Oh crap! I love Klaus Michelson.

Oh no.

"Don't say anything." I say again. I lean in closer to Klaus, close enough that if we moved one millimeter we would be touching. "I love you."

"I love you Caroline Forbes." Klaus says. He gently cups my face.

Kiss me.

Oh god just kiss me.


I will.

I lean in closer and that is all it took for my lips to connect to his. His lips moved in rhythm with mine just like they were meant to be. I don't stop. I keep on kissing him. I wrap my arms around his neck pulling him closer to me as he has his hands around my waist, pulling me even closer to him. If that is even possible. In that moment everything disappeared. I didn't think about what would happen after. I didn't worry what Bonnie or Elena would think of me. I didn't care at all. All I thought about was Klaus's lips on mine. It felt like only Klaus and I existed. Only us.

"NicKlaus!" I hear someone shout and quickly pull away. Klaus looks down about ready to kill who ever interrupted us. He looks at me then walks out closing the door behind him. I take a deep breath.

I smile.

"I love Klaus Michelson." I whisper to myself. After I gather my thoughts I step out of the bathroom.

Klaus POV


Caroline Forbes.

Caroline Forbes loves me.

I never thought she would ever say it. I knew in someway she loved me, but she is in love with me.

Caroline Forbes is in love with me.

I never ever thought this would happen to me.

"NicKlaus!" I hear Rebekah's high pitched voice making my ears ring. 

"What is it!?" I yell. "You always intrude when I am doing something important." I seethe at her.

"Please nothing is more important than me." Rebekah says. 

"Don't flatter yourself." I say back. I hear Rebekah scoff. "So...?"

"I want to go home." 

"Are you bloody serious!? Then go!"  

"Nik!" Rebekah whines.

"Fine! Just shut up!" I snap at her. 

"I will be in the car." I roll my eyes. I walk toward the kitchen in an attempt to find him. 

"Nik" Elijah says. 

"No let me say something first." I cut him off. "If you wish to stay here and you are really in love with Claire then you have my blessing. You can stay here." I say in a rush. 

"NiKlaus. I think it would be better if all of us would stay in Mystic Falls together. Like a family." Elijah says and I am left dumbfounded. 

"Elijah I thought-" Claire starts.

"Darling, it was going to be a matter of time before I had to go back." Claire only looks at him.

"Well I am going to get Caroline and then we shall leave." 

"Wait!" Claire says and I cringe. Great I am going to have to live with this slut. 

"What?" I say annoyed. 

"Pierre is coming to."

"Hell no." 

"He is my brother this is about family right."

"Nik..." Elijah says. 

"Fine! Why don't you just bring your horse too!" I storm out of there to find Caroline. 

"Klaus!" I hear a fragile-like voice yell my name. I use my vampire speed to get to her quickly. 

"Yes love." 

"I think we need to talk." She says

"About what?" 

"About what just happened." She says hesitant. 

"Oh." Is all I say. 


You sound cool. Shut up I say to my head. 

"Well..." I say.

"I just don't know if we should become an...item yet."

"I wasn't planning on it. I obviously have to ask you out on a date." I say.

She smiles at me.

Oh god I love her so much. 



Omg you guys it has happened!

Finally Caroline!

I am so freaking happy for them!

Klaus is going to be such a good boyfriend!!

Oops did I just type that.

Oh well. 

Don't forget to...






Nellie Raye

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