Chapter 50/I Forgive Myself

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Broken Heart- Monsta X

Klaus POV

"He has to go." I exclaimed walking back downstairs.

"Who?" Elijah and Claire asked in synchronized.

"Pierre. I was willing to let him stay since Caroline asked me so, but enough is enough. He has got to go Claire." I told her. Claire looked up at Elijah who stood next to her with a cup of coffee.

"I can't Klaus. He has came out of hiding as the Fairy King, I can't tell him what to do anymore."

"So what if he is the lord of his little fairies. Get him to leave Mystic Falls!" I shouted.

"I can't." She said more clearly. "That'd be like one of your hybrids telling you to do something." She took the coffee out of Elijah's hand and took a long drink. "I do not have the fairy gene, but it still runs through me. I can't do anything and even if I did all the other fairy's would come after me for not respecting the King's wishes."

I groaned loudly.

"Nik what exactly happened." Elijah asked me.

"He took her...again." I sighed.

"Well what happened to make him take her?" Elijah asked.

"Well like you said she chose me over him." I said obviously.

"No...," Claire but in, "Pierre isn't the type to do that. He would of just respected whomever she chose. Something else must have happened."

"Did anything else happen last night?" Elijah turned to me.

I thought for a minute my eyebrows furrowing. "I don't think-" I stopped and swallowed thickly.

"NiKlaus?" Elijah looked at me confused.

"Oh my god! You didn't!" Claire squealed knowing exactly what happened.

"You slept with her?" Elijah questioned surprised trying to confirm.

"Yes." Is all the could come out.

I've never been shy about this type of thing. I mean I didn't do it that often, but people knowing Caroline and I made love. Just makes me nervous.

"That explains a lot." Claire stated. "You and Caroline have connected on more levels than one." She said with laughter.

"Quiet, before I hurt you on more levels than one." I snapped at her.

"Okay so Pierre took Caroline because you guys had sexual intercourse." Elijah stated. "So where did he take her?"

"No Where." I told him. "It's an actual place. He was very vague I don't know if it's another dimension or what, but that is where she is at."

"Oh!" Claire raised a finger "I remember Pierre learning about this in his studies when he was about sixteen. It's a place where fairies take humans to forgive themselves from all their sins." Claire explained. "It's sort of punishment. You have to go through ever bad thing you've done. You feel the guilt, pain, and some people even have flashbacks or hallucinations." She added.

"Pierre did say that she is the only one that can get herself out." I added.

"Yeah so once she forgives herself from all the sins she has committed she will be able to leave, but if she can't then she will be stuck in there forever." Claire said slowly.

"She will get out. I know she will." I said out loud. "Caroline can you hear me?" I said out loud.

Yes. What's happening?

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