Chapter 10 Fixing What Was Broken

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Disclaimer: I do not own Black Butler, I only own my OC and any others that may join.


Shizuka P.O.V

Once Sebastian and I (with the 'help' of the others) got everything cleaned up from the festivities, I excused myself to go find the ring. I had a hunch that Sebastian was going to find it as well but it would not hurt to help.

I stepped out into the cool fresh air, loving the way the gentle breeze of England swirled around in my dark tresses.

I pin pointed the location where I had seen the Master throw the pieces and got to searching.

It was very similar to trying to find a needle in a hay stack, but I pressed on until I caught sight of a gleaming piece of metal near a trees roots. I silently made my way over to it and bent down to retrieve a piece if the lords rings. I smiled gently and held it securely in my hand; making sure it would not become lost again.

I continued my search for about an hour and a half more. Altogether I had found six shards of the ring. So troubling that the ring had shattered to such a extent and then my master had to throw it out the window. I sighed but pressed on until I felt Sebastian's presents.

"It seems you had the same idea as I Sebastian." My quiet, soft voice wove it's way into the cool night air.

He just smiled that fake charming smile and nodded "It is said that two great minds think alike" his smooth voice replied back. I nodded absently and reached down to pick up another shard of the ring. That was a total of seven pieces found and who knows how many was left.

I felt Sebastian come closer to me and open his gloves hand to show twelve pieces, I smiled cheerfully because it seemed most of the ring was found.

"You are certainly a fine butler Sebastian, I could only find seven pieces thus far." I gave him a closed eye smile and gently placed my found pieces with his.

He gave a chuckle "You are defiantly much different from what I would have thought." I tilted my head to the side a tad "Why is that?"

We had started to make our way back to the mansion, going at a semi human pace. "It seems you do not have a bad bone in your body lady Shizuka"

"Hmmm it is true that I rather be a peaceful being but that does not mean that my slate is clean. I have a temper like every other creature, for me however, it's just harder to trigger it." He mearly nodded and we continued at a faster pace.

We shortly arrived back at the lords manor and Sebastian quickly fussed the ring back together again. It looked brand new, like nothing ever happened to it. I walked along side him until we reached the masters chamber door and allowed him to state our arrival.

He raised his white gloved hand and knocked precisely three times before speaking "M'lord we are here to help you into bed" we both heard the short 'enter' and followed suit. Sebastian greeted him with his fake smirk and I bowed in respect.

Ciel was still in his ball gown attire so Sebastian begin undressing him to take his bath, while he did that I got the bath ready. Making sure it was at the right temperature and making sure a clean towel was placed near by.

I stepped out just in time for him to step in and it took about thirty minutes for him to be done. During that time I was scanning over the books that he had and seen that all of them were adult level. Nothing in his room even gave clue that a young man was living there.

Once my musing was over Sebastian had already begun dressing him in a night shirt and I prepared some tea that May-rin had brought up. I handed him the teacup and saucer once he was situated on the bed "Your tea Master"

He looked at it a moment before taking it and sipping it. He seemed pleased by the results "at least I know Sebastian is not the only one that can make splendid tea" his apathetic voice was soft. I smiled while Sebastian smirked "We try our best M'lord" said in perfect union.

I took the cup away once he was done and pushed the cart back outside for one of the others to take back to the kitchen. I gently closed the door behind me to find Sebastian handing Ciel his ring.

Ciel looked at it and turned it around in his hands, probably marveling at the fact of how unbroken it was. His cold blue eye raised up to meet a pair of slightly ruby red eyes and a pair of indigo ones. "So I gather you went out and found it." To this we both nodded "we knew how much it meant to you" came my soft reply back. He glanced at me sharply "how could you know that? You have barely even been here a day." My eyes never left his solo blue eye "It was not hard to gather that that ring was important to you." He just nodded once and let the subject drop. With that he slipped the ring back on and his shoulders seemed to become less tense.

I turned around to make my leave as well as Sebastian when he spoke again. "I would wish for you two to stay" the command clear in his voice.

I nodded "of course M'lord"

Sebastian just smirked "So funny to see you show your weakness to us, especially to me" I silently got my fan out and bopped him on the head. Quit a stretch for my short stature but I made it none the less. "That is no way to speak to our master, Sebastian."

The look on his face was quite amusing to me, I suppose he was not use to being scolded himself. I looked over to see Ciel slightly smirking but he hid it quit well.

Ciel then laid down and got comfortable while Sebastian sat on the side of the bed. I on the other hand, pulled up a chair and delicately sit down. Out of no where came a order from master Ciel.

"Shizuka, sing me to sleep." I nodded and thought of a perfect song to sing. I closed my eyes gently and began with the soft melody. (Song on the side, I do not own the song nor the video)

Once I was finished master Ciel was asleep and even the demon looked relaxed. "You fairy's are sure bewitching creatures." Was the mumbled response that came from the crow demons lips. I giggled softly and gently swiped back Ciel's hair without making contact with his skin.

He seemed to relax even more so I continued. And that is how he spent that night. A crow demon at his side and a sweet butterfly chasing all the bad dreams away.


Hi everyone it's good to be back! I hope everyone had a awesome Christmas and New Years!!! Sorry for such the long wait for the new chapter, my life has been so hectic I didn't have time to write. :) anyways hoped you guys enjoyed this chapter!

Ta~ta for now





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