Chapter 8 Meeting the Fiance

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Disclaimer: I do not own Black Butler, I only own my OC and any others that may join.


Shizuka POV

After the dance lessons master Ciel closed himself off from me. Keeping his distance, worried that I was becoming to close. I expected as much, seeing how it has only been a short amount of time since he has known of my existence. But that is the beauty of being a fey, we put people at ease, it's part of our charm.

So I allowed him to close up inside himself again, forcing him to open up would not have been the right strategy for this delicate game that I was now a part of. I then went over to Sebastian, seeing as he was still in the room with me.

"Would it be a bother for me to ask you to make me A fruit tart? I would ask the cook but I don't think that he could make it." I was terrible hungry, and I just adore sweets. Plus I had a feeling that he was a exceptional pastry chef. He is after all, One Hell of a Butler.

Sebastian had a amused expression on his face, probably due to the fact I had just randomly asked for a fruit tart. Oh well, It wasn't my fault that my sweet tooth had a mind of its own.

"It would be no problem at all Lady Shizuka" his velvety voice filled the room, the amusement could be heard with in the words. I jut pouted ever so slightly. "It is not my fault that I have a weak spot for pastries" my arms crossed in a childish manner.

Sebastian laughed and begin his way to the door to go to the kitchen "I will call for you when it is ready" and with that he was gone.

The demon was not that bad, even if he was fake with his mannerisms and smiles. In due time that would change. I would make sure of that.

Seeing as I was the only one still in the room, I decided to go find a place for me to stay in. I was just going to find the staff hallway and pick one of the empty rooms.

I exited the room silent as a shadow, making a mental map of the house layout. I made sure to pin point all exits that I could use in case of an emergency that needed me to take the earl to safety. Once that was done, I had already found my way to the staff hallway and picked out one the rooms. It was small but tidy, with a small bed and wardrobe.

I simply walked over to the wardrobe and manifested my clothes that I wanted. Just as I finished that, I picked up on Sebastian's thoughts.

"Your fruit tart is done Lady Shizuka"

"Alright, I will be there in a moment"

I exited my new room and made my way gracefully to the kitchen, when I opened the door, I found the most delectable fruit tart waiting for me. I quickly made my way over to it and begin to eat. It was heavenly and I made that know by my sigh of bliss.

Sebastian just watched with utter amusement, I just glanced at him and raised an eyebrow "again it is not my fault my weakness is sweets" he just shook his head and begin tidying up the already spotless kitchen.

Once my dessert was finished I cleaned the plate and put it away were it belonged. I then turned to Sebastian and bowed a tad bit "Thank you Sebastian"

"It was no problem, what kind of butler would I be if I could not complete such a simple task?"

I did not provide an answer to his rhetorical question and just helped him around the kitchen.

"I would think that you being the masters bodyguard, you would be by him at all times." The butlers voice brought me back from my musings.

"With the contract that was set in place, I can monitor his location. If he was in any danger I would know. Plus I am not a human, similar to how you move with predatory speed, I can do the same. The young master also needs time to himself, even though he truly does not have it. He will always have his shadows keeping watch." The last part was said in a thoughtful voice, in truth Ciel was never alone.

Sebastian just nodded and went back to work, the same went for me. A demon and a fairy surprising getting along. After about twenty minutes of polishing the silver, we both heard a high pitched squeal. I instantly went to the source of the noise, as did Sebastian.

What greeted us was a horrifying sight. Pink bows were placed everywhere and the staff was dressed in outlandish outfits. The poor butler named Grell was hanging by his neck by a rope, and amongst all of this chaos a young girl of about 13 was running around.

She had long blonde hair that was styled in curly pigtails. She also had on a red and pink ball gown with a bow that was in her hair. She was pretty for human standards but she was very loud.

I just kept silent while Sebastian talked to the staff, probably reprimanding them for not informing him of her arrival. I looked over at Grell and could see he needed help or he was going to die, so I made my way over to him and cut him down with one of my fans.

He ungracefully crashed to the floor which brought attention to us. I could sense master Ciel making his way down here, but before I could greet him, the young girl let out another ear splintering squeal.

"Oh my goodness!!! She is so adorable!!!" To my horror she was looking at me like I was a new toy. But my face did not reflect my inner emotions, I made sure to keep the clam facade ever present on my face.

"Hello, I'm Shizuka, the new employee"

I smiled a closed eyed smile and tilted my head slightly to the side. This oddly got more squeals and awws from her and the other staff excluding Sebastian, who just wore an Amused expression. It seemed like I was his personal entertainment.

"Elizabeth, what did you do to my home?" The cold voice of the earl brought the attention away from me to Ciel. The girl, that I now knew was Elizabeth, smiled at Ciel with adoration clearly on her features.

" I wanted to have a ball with you! I decorated the place to look cute and I even made your staff adorable as well!!" I just smiled slightly at her antics, knowing all to well that this girl was the earls fiancée. There was only one reason why master Ciel did not kick her out of his home. She had to be of some importance to him.

Elizabeth then pointed at me, her excitement overflowing from ever fiber of her body. "The only one left to get dressed is Shizuka!! I got just the thing for her!!"

Well that can't be good.


Yay!!! New chapter :) I am glad that some people are enjoying my story.

So don't forget to




Ta~ta for now


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